[center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/190728/80aa586bd178c9e8e0232ade27d29e53.png[/img] [h3]and[/h3] [img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/180803/f7977b820eb93dd680edce7c1d61d3b0.png[/img][/center] [colour=Coral]"Don't really like what you're suggestin' there lady,"[/colour] Izo chimed in from Momoe's left, with a tilt in his accent, and a subtle smirk across his lips. He had stood silent for most of the trial thus far, watching, listening. Not thinking too much. He had his ideas - though he hadn't gotten to see if they were right firsthand, he was still confident. As he spoke, he pulled himself up to sit on the pseudo-desk and slouch against the divider. No matter which way she'd been sliced, the truth would come out regardless. Plant the seeds, Izo reasoned, and the others would take care of it for him. [colour=Coral]"'Cause, I mean, I was out all night drinking with Monokuma. Ain't that right fuzzball?"[/colour] [colour=Red]"Could you take this seriously for once, Izo?"[/colour] came Shirou's voice, from across the room, nearly opposite to him. It was loud - angry, almost. Probably the most annoyed the hero had sounded since they arrived at the camp, cutting off Izo's wink towards the throne with his temper. [colour=Red]"Yes, you're right, Momoe. I think I mentioned this a few days ago, but I wake up at five every morning to train. The time limit's caused my route to increase my pace a bit, but each morning I run along the path to the main gate and back. As far as I could tell, Izo hasn't left the cabin on any of the days we've been together, so I believe he's innocent."[/colour] [colour=Coral]"Actually, while we're on the subject of 'where people were' and all that,"[/colour] began Izo again. Shirou shot a cold glare across the room at him, spreading the width of his smirk even further. Everyone in the room had been going in circles since they started, barely anything had been contributed, and nearly everyone had spoken. He hadn't wanted to do any work, but they had made it hard not to speak up. His gaze fell to Shirou's right, onto Snow. Unlike the rest of the trial, the look was hard, as though it stared clean through her and beyond, dissecting her being from the outside-in without remorse. [colour=Coral]"Any idea where your girlfriend was last night? That blood all over your bed must have been [i]hours[/i] old, the lock on your door was forced, and she's got a bloody fishhook in her hand? - pfft, well, sounds like we've got a beat of the ol' cheatskie-doodle happenin' here folks. You didn't even notice she was missing, [i]or[/i] dead! Some lover you are, huh?"[/colour]