The prince indeed had watched from the window, even once his human eyes could no longer track the fae's movements. The evening had been bizarre to say the least and while he, now, needn't worry about much it concerned him how easily the fae had gotten in and the concern he felt at knowing the fae were not all dead or gone. Though there was plenty to do in the mean time to keep his mind off the gravity of the events he had somehow just survived. While the fae was away the Prince had to gather his thoughts and prepare the castle for the coming of this stranger. It wasn't easy for his father was always so stubborn when it came to letting anyone into the castle, he hoped though that the recent attempts on his life would be more than enough incentive for his fathers mind to be changed. His sister and mother would both easily be won by the idea of a body guard for him and so if he failed to convince his father himself he was pretty sure that they would convince him for him. All he had to do was get his story straight and make sure plans were already in the works to make sure his father had an even harder time of backing out. First he spoke to the meister of the library and detailed the man who may frequent at all hours, he spoke to stewards and pages to set up a servants quarters near his own with various necessities while he told the cook about the new mouth to feed and his likely odd diet and requests to come. He even warned the guards that should they see a blonde man scaling the walls to ignore him. By the time he spoke to his family in the great hall the preparations were well under way and the Prince spoke calmly and rationally. "I have hired a personal bodyguard and he will be moving into the castle upon his arrival." He expected the gasps and his fathers return. "How dare you! Do you not know your place boy? You are not even crown prince yet and you act as King?" "Your guards allowed another assassin to attack me, last night, in my own chambers." His sister whispered to her handmaiden in quiet shock, "Had it not been for this strangers intervention I would lie dead and my steward would have found me sprawled a corpse on my sheets. This man asked for nothing in return but a bed to sleep in and books to read. Considering he saved the life of your son I considered it the least we could do." The conversation continued for over an hour but by sundown the king had agreed that the stranger would stay and retired to his chambers for supper. The prince sighed heavily and went to the fae's quarters, checking everything was to his specification before laying out what the tailor thought best, tight fitting brown leather breeches and a loose sleeved but tight cuffed white shirt. There was a brown waistcoat with the lions symbol embroidery upon it and both belt and boots to match. With a bowl of fruit upon the table and night fast approaching the Prince returned to his own room, not two doors down, and opened the window, lounging on the bed to enjoy the cool evening air.