[center][h2]Nathalie Prescott[/h2][/center] [b]Time[/b]: Dusk [b]Location[/b]: Ember Grove Mall [b]Interaction with[/b]: Damien [@FunnyGuy] She hadn't been standing in line for too long, but long enough for her to wonder why the woman who was currently placing an order was taking longer than she should. Nathalie was both equally hungry and pressed for time, but the slightly timid woman didn't dare say a word regarding her thinning patience. She simply remained quiet, at least until a man standing behind her addressed her. [color=gray]"Pleasure meeting you, Damien, I'm Nathalie,"[/color] she replied after hearing him out. She couldn't help but notice he was tall and ridiculously handsome, his looks similar to those of male models one often sees in magazines. That was one of the reasons his inquiry struck her as a bit of an odd conversation starter, but on the other hand, the job market in a small town wasn't exactly prosperous. [color=gray]"I'm not sure what your options are in the hospital as a whole, but I know that my department has an administrative position available. I work in the ER, and I'd be more than happy to help you through the process. I mean, I'm assuming that's somewhere along your line of work."[/color] She smiled a little, embarrassed at the fact that she had pegged him for an office type without first asking. But in her defense, Damien hadn't been specific about his professional skills. [color=gray]"Would you be interested in that offer?"[/color] Out of the corner of her eye, Nathalie noticed the lined had moved up some. She took a step towards the cashier without giving her back to Damien, and for some reason she wondered whom the flowers were for.