Ok this is what I have so far. Changes may be made at a later date or if asked by the DM. [hider=My Spoiler]Name: Thovren Trannyth Age: 15 Gender: Male Race: Half-elf Class: (Level 0) Fighter What you want to be when you grow up? Thovren always wanted to make a name for himself. To be like his father and amass his own fame and his own fortunes. To go one great adventures and see wonderous places during his travels. Who is your mentor? 's father mainly. A human man named Serath. Serath began as a private mercenary in his youth. Barely able to swing a blade himself he set out with a head filled with ideals of glorious combat and loaning his sword to worthy causes. Needless to say the first few battles knocked many of those ideals clean from his mind, But not all of them. Eventually he founded his own mercenary band, small but filled with men and woman he trusted. During one of his assignments where his ban was hired he met Thovren's mother. Shortly after he slowed the pace of his travelling, letting his lieutenants run the physical side of things while he took care of logistics and liason. Eventually as his age caught up with him he abandoned Mercenary work altogether having already accumulated a tidy sum for himself. He settled in the quietest village he could remember from his travelling days with his soon to be complete family. Brief Biography: From what his parents tell him it was shortly after his birth that his parents decided to retire and move to the village. To have a safer place to nurture their now budding family. He was a babe when he first arrived and only remembers being raised within the village. From an early age he was clearly his fathers child. Instead of tilling a fields all day he was a part of the towns small milita, which was organized and led by his father. He would get up in the morning with an enthusiam only a child could have and imitated(as best he was able) the exercises he saw the militia do during the days. The militia knew about their shadow member and found great amusement in that fact he would mirror everything they did. And his father didn't mind this. Because it kept his boy within eyesight and he knew that at the very least he was doing something productive if he was copying their exercise routines. The other members would chuckle and constantly try to wave over the 'little guardsman' as he was called. Make pretend stories of goblins or such preparing to raid the village, and that every able bodied boy would need to be called for defence. Of course during his younger years he soaked this up as the truth. Nodding furiously and working until he would eventually collapse for a nap. Around when he was ten the militia started to include him regularly. Teach him the basics. While the villages armoury was limited, mostly relying on what the blacksmith could make when not showing horses or forging nails and tools. And what heirlooms members of the village had from their grandparents or the like. So that's where his skills stayed. He worked himself for athleticism. Training with wooden swords and practicing with an old crossbow that his father kept when he needed to hunt. Strength and endurance training filled his days. And on the few days when the militia did not train he was either resting or put to work with the blacksmith, carrying loads of ore, working the bellows, hammering out basic objects like hooks and nails. Anything that put his strength to use. What person(s) of interest do you know in the village? Who all do you have a relationship with?: Serath, One of the more prominent people in the village because of the wealth he had when he settled here and because of the help he lends as an occasional hunter to kill the odd wolf or bear that strays to close for comfort. The old hag- An old woman that none of the younger children know the name of. All they know is that her home smells terrible and some of the scent managed to stick to her body. There are of course rumors abound as only children can imagine about what it is inside her home that causes such a stench. But no one has been brave enough to make the attempt of even cracking open the door. In reality she is a kindly old woman, one who knows poultices and basic bandage making and healing arts. She knows what the children whisper about her and finds it incredibly hilarious. Even playing along at some points. -Milanee Silentread. Thovren's elven mother. From he can gather from his parents his mother was young when she first met his father, even for an elf. From what his father says his mother participated in a handful of engagements and assignments. Even though his mother claims she was a cook and a trained baker specifcally. His father told him how she was quote the sight with a bow back in the day. Equipment: -Light crossbow, (older peice, but still functional.) -10 Crossbow bolts, -Dark blue shirt, Thick Brown trousers, -Sturdy Brown leather gloves and brown leather boots. -Simple dagger -Studded leather pauldron over his right shoulder, it was originally a joke gift from the militia to siginfy when he truly was able to join them, instead of following alongside as an impressionable child. He wears it with great pride despite knowing its real meaning. -Small coin purse Class Skills: -Crossbow use. His father taught him basics of aiming and firing a crossbow, which he says can be far more versatile that a bow if used right. -basic Hand to hand skills, Not something to rely on it was an invaluable set of lessons none the less. Ivellios left the village for his own adventures before he had the chance to learn more than the most basic bladework. -Basic bladecraft. Even knives he has learned to use mostly for survival. But he can use it to defend himself in a steep situation. He has learned basic sword strokes though by far his most profficient weapon is the crossbow. -Weapon maitenance. If he was going to learn a weapon, his father was dam certain he was going to learn how to take proper care of it. He wasn't going to let his sone die because he was to lazy to scour away a little rust from his axe. Or treat a split in his bow. Villager Skills: -Basic survival. Even though his father was a mercenary Thovren still had to help with other chores in the village, one of which was setting into the woods to help gather basic poultice supplies, chop firewood for his family and for the village. or even bag the occasional small game with the hunters for meat (although he was usually just there to carry the arrows and help haul back the corpse.) -Basic fletching (can make rough if not adequatly balanced bolts from wood and stone if necessary.) -Literacy was taught to him at an early age by his mother. [/hider]