Katherine was casually sipping from her hot chocolate at the kitchen table with one leg crossed over the other, her 3 inch heels dangling above the expensive marble floor. There was a thoughtful look in her eyes, her face placid. The complete opposite of her brother Deyan who was pacing back and forth nervously. He was a total wreck after the events of the emergence, when the stars returned for only one night. Deyan couldn't keep down anything, his beer still untouched in his hand. He was getting increasingly annoyed by the attitude of the youngest Petrov sibling. "It's shocking to see how calm you're being about all of this" Deyan started, his voice shaking. His emotions were still reeling, he couldn't even sleep through the night. Katerina on the other hand had slept like a babe, always sure to catch her beauty sleep no matter the circumstances. The young woman put down her mug , giving her brother a reassuring look. "We didn't do anything, he killed himself because he couldn't get what he wanted" She replied simply. The cold calculating ways of his younger sister still amazed him at times. Things always seemed to work out in her favor and she always had a plan b to save their butts. He envied that about her. He was the brawn and she the brains. "Besides" She said emptying the steaming contents of the barely touched mug into the sink. "You're not a shuvano, so no hunter will come looking for you" Katherine knew her brother was worried for her safety. Ironic really because she'd spent a year in a foreign country with people who were in essence strangers, before he moved in with her. Even in Bulgaria, Katherine had always looked out for herself. She relied on her brother and loved him, he was family after all. But the only one she trusted to look after her was herself. So if any hunter would come looking for her, she would be ready. She grabbed her lilac trench coat and started to button up the front. The color made her look much sweeter than she truly was, then again that was the image she was going for on campus. The pretty foreign girl with the funny accent. With her soft make up and wealth of brunette curls she looked anything but a witch. On her way to the door she stopped at her brothers side to gently squeeze his hand. A rare expression of kindness on her face, she looked into his troubled warm brown eyes, they had both inherited from their mother. "Please don't worry about me, we'll both be fine I promise" She said sincerely, in an attempt to reassure him. It wasn't without a purpose that she showed him this kindness. If he kept this up, people would start getting suspicious, they were already the source of gossip in the neighborhood. Katherine had done what she could to provide their neighbors with some "other distractions" to gossip about. An affair here and there never failed to draw attention away from the Petrov siblings. Everyone was too busy scheming behinds the others back. The fact they were too proud to admit their regular visits to the neighborhood psychic aka Katherine didn't help their case much either. She claimed their spouses were cheating or attempting to in x number of days. These predictions then conveniently came true with the aid of a love spell or two. When she sat on the bus on the way to the Anderson University campus, Katherine send Deyan a text. [i]Make sure you are out of there before he gets home. I made you some shopska, I left it in the fridge so don't forget to take it out before you go. I won't be long Deyan, but I need you to pick up the things I told you about. Don't go about it the easy way, get it where we were taught to get these things. The spell is getting weaker and I need to do it again. xx Katherine[/i]