Julian "J" Jace [hider=Red Pill] An oddly large slightly simple looking vaguely ethnic but blonde curly haired guy (what the fuck is up with that Mama Jace thats a lot of weird shit in one) sits at a desk in a shit room of a shit house typing a character sheet in on some shit website. It is shit. The character sheet not the guy, though he is shit too. His name is Julian but he goes by J because he thinks it sounds mysterious. His character sheet is full of ideas almost as stupid as that, tons of weebish tropes, but he's proud of it. What a shitlord. Story probably wont get off the ground anyway and if it does one of those asshole mods will probably just shut it down, but fuck it itll do. He doesnt have shit else to do right now and as shit as his character is he's kinda gettin in to it. Julian thinks his character is wicked sick. Vaguely asian but not really because its a self insert and Julian has a savior complex. Really big sword. Super mysterious past. Probably watched his family die at the hands of some black and red scarred up bad ass dude he will fight later on on a mountain top or inside an active volcano or some shit; that wont be in the character sheet of course because he kinda knows its too fucking cliche to pass muster. Sneaky little shit this kid. Signing up to someone's Homebrewed Fantasy RP with a vaguely disguised anime character, really mostly just hoping to get his character laid. Like a lot, like a lot a lot. Figures maybe he can get some of these [s]guys[/s] (no ladies i mean ladies definitely that) to do some erotic shit. Julian wants to do that but doesnt want to be a lady sonic or a male sonic or really any form of sonic but thats whats going around right now. wtf is wrong with people thats some weird shit. fucking hell. [/hider] [hider=Blue Pill] The engine of vengeance that is my body pushes hot steam from every pore as I move effortlessly through the arena. I shift from kata to kata with such fluidity that even Bruce Lee-sama-san would bust a fat fear nut. The petals of a [b]Prunnus Serrulata[/b], or as the Anglos that infest this town call it "[i]oh neat, Stacy take a picture of that Japanese Cherry Blossom![/i]", fall about in my wake as if mimicking my steps in adoration. I have become the form without form, I am the water which retains a shape of it's own volition. I will not become as the vessel. I am my own. As I deftly move about, a million combat scenarios playing through my mind, I muse on what it is to be one such as I. You see friend, the secrets of the masters are mine, were always mine. When these secrets, my secrets, were but nebulous inklings in the darkest recesses of their minds, even then, [b]I am[/b]. They knew it not but their creations were never truly their own. My forebears have planted the seeds and only I have seen these so called "[i]fucking gay ass cartoons and anime[/i]" for what they truly are. It is no surprise the feeble minds of these simpletons have not been able to ascertain the messages stitched between worlds, the true meanings were not meant for such as these. Only an awakened mind might see the truth behind these simple trappings, only one fearless enough to be as open as I might painstakingly break apart the very foundation of each of these tales into their component elements and reassemble them properly. The ephemeral lifespan of the human animal is woefully insufficient for such tasks. As such it was simultaneously tragic and inevitable that even the authors of these great works could not know the true purpose of their own magnum opuses. Call it a mercy just the same, that their infantile minds protected them from the darker terrors that too much introspection might have wrought upon their personages. This Jace Family of Humanoids has been kind to accept me, but I wonder, if they knew the true beautiful horror that lives in their shoddily converted den would they be so hospitable? I find it most terribly unlikely. The human animal fears what it does not understand and there is so much it does not, NAY cannot, understand. If it had but the faintest of whiffs of my knowledge, of my potential, surely all would weep as one that they must live their fleeting lives as such flimsy things devoid of any lasting import. Why in this incarnation I could be anything on this planet they call Earth. I could do anything. To one as empowered as I all doors are open. The things that I desire time and consequence will bring to me. And yet, and yet there is one thing I desire now. One thing I need that eludes me still. [/hider] [hider=Red Pill] Julian reaches over to the table without looking and mutters under his breath "that...fucking...bitch" Julian's chicken nuggets are still. not. done. [/hider]