[right][h3]Collab Part 2 With Almalthia and Fallenreaper Location: Jedi Ship[/h3][/right] Tishombra growled and kicked off the far wall with assistance from the Force. Disengaging her saber she crossed her arms tightly and executed a flip that brought her down on a reanimate Trooper. She kicked off the center of it's back and reengaging her sabers and watched its head roll. A few quick spins and thrusts later there was more of a pathway to the ship and the soldier that Zes had yelled at. Dodging back through the hole she made it to the soldier. Reaching out a hand she pushed half the mass of the horde back and to their knees about fifteen feet. Straining she yelled to Zes.[color=orangered] "Let's not be here when this lady gets cracked open gentlemen. I'll even let you both stare at my ass all the way home. Deal?"[/color] Drey downed another two, one shot in the head then another in the torso. He turned to Zes with a firm, but calm tone. “Yes, C. Rumen.” Drey used the same title he gave to the 975th Special Duties. If any of the Sith bothered to read the crew listing, they might note a Rumen on the manifest. “Right now, L. Lokar is securing another objective and hopefully will arrive in time. If not, we’re taking off without them. The cargo bay is littered with whatever these things. We need the ship secured and get to the panel to space these things out.” His arm lifted again then let off about three more shots. Two more undead corpses went down as he began to move toward the panel on the far side wall. He didn’t answer to the female Sith’s statement since he was on duty and he tended to be more professional around those he knew little about. It didn’t mean the thought wasn’t alluring in different circumstances. “Then lead the way, Rumen. I don’t intend to die here. You’re in luck that we happened upon you but you seem to fight well.” The falleen stated cockily as he walked towards the now identified soldier. He flicked off both of his lightsabers and slipped them onto his belt. Another break of calmness in the chaos had arrived. “Those things aren’t natural but they die just the same.” He added as he glanced at one of the now completely dead corpses. It made his stomach turned as he looked at the malformed, mutilated monstrosity. Yet he could sense the dark side pulsate around and inside of the undead horrors. “You are very hard to ignore, would rather not be distracted staring and let one of those undead horrors bite me. That’d be a shame.” He said with a smirk as he turned to Tishombra, putting an arm around her side and planting a quick kiss on her neck. Tishombra smirked at Zes' flirting and let him. She patted his chest.[color=orangered] "Such a shame."[/color] She turned her eyes toward Rumen.[color=orangered] "There isn't another cargo bay Rumen? Could there?"[/color] She smirked at Rumen. “Only one ship took off and the other hasn’t. It’s either damaged or the crew is dead. I rather not risk getting swamped by more of those things before our ride takes off without us.” Drey formed his statement politely as possible, but his blunt and forward nature showed. “Alright, I’ll take the panel. You two head to the ship, clear it, and distract the mob. When I vent them out, I’ll race back to the ship.” Drey shot another two down, but their number seemed to grow. From a glance to his side, he spotted another few flood into the cargo bay and fed the mob’s number. He paused again. “Don’t take off unless you’re not strong enough to hold it. If I die, ensure a package from my quarters is delivered to the Captain. He’ll know what to do with it.” Leaving the orders for the Sith to follow or not, Drey started to split off to the side. His blaster fired multiple shots in whatever moved toward his direction. “Understood. Get to that panel, trooper. Rest assured we will secure that ship.” Zes replied before the trooper darted off to begin his part of the mission. He was not happy with acting as a distraction but he held no fear over it. “Hope you’re ready for more fighting. Those things are going to swarm us if we don’t keep moving. Don’t get too tired, Tishombra.” He added with a flirty wink towards his fellow Sith before he grasped his helmet firmly and pulled it off his belt. Then he slid it slowly over his head, hoping to avoid splattering any blood or guts all over his handsome features. Then he began his walk towards the cargo bay, both lightsaber hilts in hand. As the doors came open his grip on them tightened, clutching at a near choke hold as he flickered on both blades. The falleen let out a deep breath underneath his helmet, as he felt the dark side pooled inside of the cargo bay. A vicious battle had taken place here, but the dead which had been created from the carnage were risen to their feet in a feral, undead state. He could feel their hungry eyes staring at him, as several lightsabers they beastily clenched onto could be made out in the crowd. They were a variety of colors, former allegiances did not matter to these undead. “Here they come.” The Sith calmly stated as he spun his lightsabers then launched into the air, twirling as his eyes briefly shifted from the starship they had to get inside then to the encroaching horde. Tishombra rushed to engage the horde. As she spun and slashed her way through the mercs and non-uniformed Imperial soldiers. She was aiming to take out the weaker targets so that the Jedi and Sith that had fallen to the power didn’t have as much assistance. She had no plans on being bitten. The grin that split Tishombra’s face as she lost count of the bodies that dropped within her reach, was terrifying. The small satisfied noises and soft sexy laughter she made as each fell didn’t help the perception. Each sharp staccato angry strike blended into another that carried on to yet another. Her body warmed to the pacing as she enhanced the movements with the Force. It became a controlled dance as bodies fell. Tishombra threw reanimated bodies of Republic, Imperial and mercenary soldiers alike into lightsaber wheeling opponents. Watching them kill each other without impunity. Circling the room she made it easier to kill off the more prevalent threats as she eliminated the weakest in the horde first. Quite a few times she checked on Zes to make sure he was still on her side and to shift the horde so that he had a better advantage. No one said that they couldn’t work together. After all they both wanted to get off this ship.