Nicki watched the motions of the crew as they moved about the deck with a keen eye. Not looking at each task so much as the general rhythm and movement of the lot of them. Everyone was in a good mood. The energy of the crew as a whole was buoyed by being so close to pay and recreation. She couldn’t blame them, though she doubted her recreation would measure up to theirs. She was about to bark a warning to two crew members when a voice sounded at her side and made her jump, then stiffen to hide the jump. “Captain.” She said, keeping a professional tone to her honeyed voice as she bowed her head respectfully to him. The Skate was not the navy, the pirates, though some of them had been, they were no longer serving in the armed forces of any country. While the berth of a privateer lacked most of the rigid discipline of it, she found that it was better to hold herself up to that level of discipline lest she be found wanting. Her gender was a huge disadvantage to her as she’d learned so often in her life, but she was done hiding it. She was in control. She kept her face still, a perfect mask as he spoke and then forced herself to smile, her plump cheek shifting, stretching her brand though the smile did not reach her eyes. Even as she smiled and nodded her mind was scrambling to reschedule her plans. It wasn’t an order he gave her, but it also wasn’t, [i]not[/i} an order. It was certainly not something she could afford to turn down. She didn’t want to seem stand-offish, to make herself open to scrutiny further than she already was. “I…” she began and then stopped and bit her lip, the flesh dimpled by her white even, teeth. How much could she afford to lose? Then she nodded, did some mental calculations, licked her lips and began again. “It would be my pleasure, Captain, though I am afraid I will prove nothing by my performance at cards. I will simply prove the curse true. Cards have never been my thing. But I will join you as soon as I am able. I thank you for the invitation.” With that she returned to her work, stepping in to sooth the tempers of the two who she had been about to speak too before the captain came with his… invitation. As she settled things out between the two men, part of her mind ran over and over the conversation she’d had with the captain, if it could be called that. Why had he come to her? Why then? She served at his pleasure and before now he’d been content to let her be so long as she’d done her work. He’d made no effort to protect her or keep her from the Crew’s suspicions for which she had been grateful. She’d managed the men on her own and had gained some small amount of grudging respect, or something like it, from the men. So what had changed? Nothing happened to chance, she was certain of it. She felt her eyes flick to the grinning man at the helm and narrowed. He was new, the helmsman with a smile that made her think he was laughing at her, or at them all. Had he been part of the change that had moved the captain to seek her out? She watched him and wondered. Had he ambitions? Was being the pilot not enough for him? It was clear he loved the Skate, she’d seen him touching the wood of the wheel like a lover’s cheek. Was it love that drove him to want a higher position? Was the captain’s position even at stake? She didn’t know and it made her uneasy to have so many unanswered questions at hand. She didn’t like such mystery. So she would go, she would lose a set amount at cards and learn what she could. It was a start. She turned back to her work and left the troubles of the night for the moment. She would lose much respect and have to fight twice as hard to get it back if she let it slip by inattention. [center]~~*~~[/center] Hours later, goods unpacked, Nicki strolled down the boulevard from the heights where the Banker’s homes clustered white and lovely over the best view of the bay. She had left her hat off, the sun had descended and it was no longer necessary and the errant breezes over the ocean tickled at stray wisps of blond hair against her neck. She had spoken with her man and discussed the next round of investments and was rather pleased with how things stood for her. She wasn’t greedy, if she were she would certainly not be bothering with the work that she did. No, what drove her was deeper than greed. When she tried to think of what it was she was after the only word that came close was security, but it was not quite the right fit either. If she wished to be safe and secure she would hardly be riding the waves on a rogue vessel engaging in piracy now would she? But for all the times she’d pondered it, for all the languages she spoke, all the philosophers she read she lacked a better one. She put aside the thought and listened to the ringing of the bells that marked the hour. Normally she’d spend a few hours in the poorer section of town plying her Doctor’s trade for little more than good will and perhaps some prayers to help with the tarnish on her soul but with the Captain’s demand taking up her free time she would not be able to do so. Perhaps if they were in port long enough she could see to it tomorrow. In the meantime she had no choice. She shifted her direction and strolled through the cooling evening towards the tavern she knew was favored by the crew at this port, the Black Boar. She seemed to recall that they made a particularly fine Pepper-Pot there. That at least made her mood brighten some as she made her way towards the tavern.