I figure it would be best to finally kick up an OOC/IC so we can discuss things and keep them all together. So far we've settled on the idea of magic being a generic trait in modern times. Each country would be native to certain magical traits and skills. And there would be an unrest between the wealthy and poor, the magic and non-magic people. And that some people are aiming to use genetic science to bank on the gene for the rich who either want it or don't. Now we're trying to figure out a plot so we can see what characters would work best. And the general age range we're thinking of is mid to late twenties I believe. If that is still the case, school/education as a location is out. Workplace and every day situations may be the best means, coffee shop, office, laboratory. I think for the sake of having different characters (be it views of magic or the literate magic & non-magic) they should at least have a common interest so that they're not at each other's throats. Like long time friends or something. If we wanted something light, we could start off with a premise, a camping trip, a trip overseas. I still feel as though there would some dark unrest or rebellion boiling under the surface, it would depend whatever side our characters would like to take. I don't want to get into mega ultra drama or action but at the same time, conflic is needed, it just depends how we want to handle whatever it is.