[b][center]Hiroshi Hon[/b][/center] [b][center]Jounin Sensei of team Six[/b][/center] [b][center]Creating a foundation of teamwork[/b][/center] Hiroshi looked over his students whom were giving their introductions, and he listened to them with great care. They would spend a substantial amount of time together from today and he wanted to know them, so he can develop more than just a teacher - student kind of bond. He wanted them to know he is their teacher, mentor, friend. It was easier with some people, while being more different from others. Though, he believed that his travels around the world granted him knowledge enough so he can pass the knowledge to others. As the introductions ended, he eyed them with curiosity as he formulated his thoughts. Hirudora, in turn, eyed every one of them, Shinko with the most interest. Suzume was by far the most difficult person he encountered since he returned to The Fire Country, but nothing he would get scared of. From what he heard, she had a difficult past with The Hidden Leaf Village, something she was in no way to change. Changing her attitude towards the things around her, bot mostly towards the village may looked like a task impossible to accomplish, but Hiroshi believed there would be a way. Hard and challenging, but still a way.[b]" I understand your grudge towards the village, Suzume-chan and I do not blame you for it. If you would grant me the chance to change anything, I would be more than happy to try and change you view on our village. It all rests in your hands. Remember - I am not only your teacher."[/b] HIroshi´s attention then turned to Shizumi. The boy was young, full of energy. He was glad to see it and he thought about using all that energy in the favor of the boy. If he will invest most of it into his training, Hiroshi was sure he will have no trouble to progress it at good paces. On the other hand, Hiroshi had to make sure to keep it in check - too much uncontrolled energy could potentially lead to undesired effects. And that was something he wanted to avoid as much as possible.[b]" I see you are full of energy, Shizumi-kun. Being energetic is a good thing, but you should always make sure to guide your energy the proper way. It can help you to progress your training at rapid paces, but also drag you down. Remember the same thing - I am not only here to teach you."[/b] Then, he turned to Shinko. The girl who showed much promise in her initial greeting just sat there, silently. Hirudora eyed her the most, and Hiroshi´s glance was fixed there for a longer span of time as well. It was all in hopes of getting her to speak up, but to no avail. This was a rather large dent in his efforts to create a working team, a team he will be able to lead on missions. How could they work together if they could not introduce themselves to each other.[b]" Working together means knowing each other, Shinko-chan. I am confident we can overcome this ... initial failure in the later stages of our common training."[/b] With that, he stood up and mentioned his students to do the same.[b]" I want each one of you to grab one of these planks and to tie this rope to your waists. We are going to start our first exercise. Be careful at how you will take it on."[/b] With that, he took a few steps from them, towards a terrain formation that reminded him of a very small lake. Placing the scroll he brought earlier on the shores, he released it and filled the hole completely up with water, thus creating the environment he wanted for their first exercise.[b]" You will do your exercise in this ... call it a small lake. I want all of you to sit on the planks on the surface of the water, while tied together with the rope and to think about teamwork again. I will be joining you in this exercise."[/b]