[quote=Hillbilly12] Foress awaited eagerly to hear the name of a possible ally. The interruption from another classmate however switched her attention. Another girl she swore she saw before and it wasn't anything to do with school. It didn't matter however since this was a challenge! With a and a loud "Ha!" she responded immediately. "I see someone wishes to question my claim of authority. Not surprising everyones a critic." her fairy seemed to silently agree with a grin, but didn't even attempt to acknowledge June's existence."Now as you may learn pretty one that sometimes you need to have flare. Be saucy, nuts, sweet and confident then people will notice you." her hands gestured wildly as if motioning towards the invisible colloquialisms. Even her fairy had to get in on the action a bit. She didn't realize the hilarity in telling this to an idol."As a very merciful lady I shall take you with both of us. I really love threesomes!" [/quote] June, still leaning against a railing, arms crossed and head tilted at an angle in that 'devil-may-care' way, simple stared towards Foress and scoffed at her offer of a threesome. The scoff served as her immediate answer. Despite her position in a group activity, that was on stage. This was off. This was her secret life, her private affairs, and in such affairs she vastly preferred going solo. Or at the very least a pairing. Two. Never three. Three complicated matters. It was an odd number. "Gonna have to pass on that one, 'Empress'," June spoke Foress' self-appointed title with an appropriate level of derision, rolling her eyes towards the girl, "Threesomes get messy. Messier still when someone with an inflated ego and an inflated sense of...ability takes the reigns. Move along, find some other mindless rabble to rouse." June smirked towards Foress, as if mockingly telling her 'no hard feelings' while not really meaning it. She gestured her head to the left, wanting Foress to move along with her latest victim. June was having none of that. And so she continued to lean, arms crossed, waiting, uncaring.