*SNAP* "What? Pictures of food are in nowadays. It's all anyone with a camera ever posts on the net, anyways." As it was their first day of officially beginning the gym challenge, Lark made sure that not a single moment went by without a photograph to commemorate it. Annoying, sure, but he had to cover his bases if he wanted to get to the good stuff. You didn't start off a photo album with a shot of your zebstrika beating someone to the ground, you had to build up to it with sunsets, cities and a good old fashioned training shoot, all peppered with lame hashtags about friendship and positive thinking. His thumbs typed up a storm of words and phrases meant to garner as many online interactions as possible before a final send-off into the internet. If there was a silver lining to being a young photographer, it was probably being able to take full advantage of technology. "Curry suitable for anyone, huh?" he asked, sounding amused. "Then you'll need some reviews to confirm it for you." Lark's lips spread slowly after his first bite, a rare display of emotion. He was used to eating on the go from his work, and had come to appreciate curry. Not many dishes in the world could be filling and delicious at the same time, nor could they be prepared with so little. "Hmmm... Good stuff..." He ate the rest of his curry at a relaxed pace. "We're gonna be a little late to the challenge. It's convenient for me since I get to take some pre-battle shots, but I figure you two don't want to wait on other trainers getting crushed." He chuckled, like someone remembering a secret.