Jason stayed in the security room until Guardian Angel had been plugged in And once he received the confirmation he went on his way. "Don't stick around here to long were going to need you ready when all the fun starts." Jason said before he left heading for an elevator to take him to the rooftop so he could signal for the Assault team to be dropped. Once inside the elevator Jason started to contact the ship. "Hay Fatman, make sure the assault team is ready to go, I'll be giving off the signal soon we wont have much time until they find out that we are here" He said before there was a bit of a pause on the line. "You mean that blackout wasn't the signal?" Nate answered, "They are already on the ground taking care of the roof guard as we speak." He followed up catching Jason up on what was going on. "Well, that is unexpected, but it can work out." Jason replied just before an alarm started to sound. "Damn it what was way to soon, what happened? All units we have been found out Move to assault operations everyone go loud!" Jason said immediately. "Assault team you don't have time to wait for me move in after the targets, leave my gear on the roof I will cut them off." He ordered trying to plan his way though the situation. "As for their crap we will deal with that later, our main priority is to eliminate our targets. Everyone move now." He said wishing that the elevator would move faster. "This is exactly why I didn't want those two on the ground until I had handled the roof.... I bet one of them pulled their gun..." he said to himself while he waited. --------- The four horsemen sat around a table discussing their business now that the power had returned. "Now gentlemen, as I was saying before, if you would direct your attention here." Conquest said pointing to the holographic projection in front of him. "If we combine our forces and power, this puny Stronghold of theirs will be no match for our us." he said to the others smirking knowing that things were going his way. "Now all I need is your supp..." He started but stopped as a gun shot was heard on the roof above them. Instantly everyone in the room was put on guard and reached for their weapons except for Conquest. "Well it seems my suspicions were right. It looks like we have some uninvited guests." he said coldly. "Now if you would follow me, I have an underground bunker that we can escape to, or you can try your luck and try to escape on your own." Conquest stated clearly as he stood up, one of his guards pulled a book form a nearby bookshelf and a door appeared. "I would make your decision quickly." He said moving through the doorway. The other three sat at the desk fr a moment before things sunk in. Each of the other three quickly got up almost panicked compared to Conquest's calm attitude, "Well I think I know what I am doing, but I wish you two luck my friends." Death said quickly following behind Conquest. The other two made their way out of "Thanks for the offer, but this meeting is over. If you can't even defend your operation base then how do you plan to take over this planet?" Famine said while making his way to the exit. "A manipulative worm doesn't deserve the strength of my men." War followed up making his way out of the meeting room as well. "As you wish, Men kill any intruders" Conquest said before closing the door to the secret passage. The guard nodded and readied their weapons expecting intruders and escorting War and Famine as they made their way down to the parking garage