[hider=Talia Foa’i][center][img] https://img.roleplayerguild.com/prod/users/17849d7b-967d-4994-872d-8bddfb2c0079.png [/img] [hr][hr] [img]https://img.roleplayerguild.com/prod/users/60f2c736-9984-4d99-b5ec-733ea8fd6347.jpg[/img][/center] [color=278723][u] N A M E [/u][/color] [indent][indent] Talia Foa’i [/indent][/indent] [color=278723][u] T I T L E [/u][/color] [indent][indent] Kaieke Tohorā | Whale Rider [/indent][/indent] [color=278723][u] N A T I O N A L I T Y [/u][/color] [indent][indent] Nantego [/indent][/indent] [color=278723][u] A G E [/u][/color] [indent][indent] 26 [/indent][/indent] [color=278723][u] G E N D E R [/u][/color] [indent][indent] Female [/indent][/indent] [color=278723][u] S E X U A L I T Y [/u][/color] [indent][indent] Heterosexual [/indent][/indent] [color=278723][u] A P P E A R A N C E [/u][/color] [indent][indent] The first feature outsiders would notice is Talia’s moko kauae, or her chin tattoo. Starting from just under her full lips, the thin black lines are a sacred rite of passage that symbolised her transition from a girl into a woman and a warrior. The black lines of her tattoo and black hair complements her lightly tanned skin, acquired partly from the many hours spent outdoors. Her eyes are a dark brown that somehow manage to transmit her determined nature. A few moles are scattered throughout her body; outnumbered slightly by minor scars accrued from countless years of hunting and training. Not particularly tall, her strength and force lies in the strong muscles that have resulted in a slender figure. All in all a pretty, but unexceptional, appearance. Her one touch of aesthetic pride is her hair, falling thick and shiny halfway between her shoulder and elbows, which is the envy of many of the other girls. One of her most prized possessions is the [url= https://img.roleplayerguild.com/prod/users/e8ffbe4f-ebde-4da9-b9b2-6571b2efbb43.jpg]whale bone necklace [/url] that was given to her, along with her title as Kaieke Tohorā, or Whale Rider, before leaving Nantego for the quest ((except her necklace depicts a whale instead of a dolphin)). For the most part, Talia wears a mix between the traditional, nature-based textiles of her people, such as flax and grass as well as animal skins, and the traded Alovian textiles, such as cotton and leather. Day to day, she is mainly seen in simple skirts of varying lengths, pants (modeled after the lighter Alovian style), and a cloth as her top. When wearing clothes worn in battle, she wears pants and a simple top underneath chainmail and light armour. For special occasions, she wears a peacock feather cloak (depicted above), brightly patterned and beaded bodice and headband, which has two prized huia feathers tucked in the back, and a flax skirt. She is also rarely seen without at least her atlatl, darts (essentially small spears), sling shot and accompanying pouch, and knives. Initially creating the spear-thrower, atlatl, in order to compensate for her lack of strength is throwing spears, when compared to the men, she has become highly skilled and proficient in the use of atlatl, having since created one for [url=https://img.roleplayerguild.com/prod/users/cdfc5299-001f-430f-8238-c165dfbb2bfe.png] general use[/url] and one for [url=https://img.roleplayerguild.com/prod/users/d1686c2a-24c2-4cc9-a7b0-091a3993e0e1.png] big game[/url]. Her atlatls have been adopted by the Nantego warriors and people in her town, allowing for powerful, deadly and silent weapons able to pierce through metal and thick hides/furs. When fighting, she also uses a small circular shield and a basic sword in the Alovian style. [/indent][/indent] [color=278723][u] I N T E R E S T S [/u][/color] [list] [*] Hunting and Tracking [*] Fighting [*] Healing and Herbal Medicine [*] Weapons Making [*] Nature [*] Carving [*] Dancing [/list] [color=278723][u] P E R S O N A L I T Y [/u][/color] [indent][indent] Talia’s most defining trait is her determination and drive. Once she has committed herself to an idea, plan or person, it is almost impossible to change her mind. This can be both good and bad, as many others have observed. While her determination and steadfastness means she is extremely loyal, and unwilling to give up, it could easily translate into stubbornness and bullheadedness. She also has an inability to take the easier path, always choosing the path of most resistance primarily because she feels like she has something to prove, but also because she relishes the challenge. As such, she tends to view those who give up easily or take the easiest road as weaker and less worthy of respect. She’s a bit of a thrill seeker, and enjoys excelling at tough challenges. As such she is an eternal optimist, bouncing back from failure time and time again in order to succeed. For those she loves, Talia is selfless, and sometimes self sacrificing. She will often take on great burdens or risks in order to help her loved ones in their time of need. That said, Talia is also smart and creative which allows her to easily and quickly problem-solve a variety of situations. In particular, her invention occurred as a way to compete with the male warriors. With experience she might one day make a great strategist and leader, like her father before her. Despite her accomplishments, she isn’t boastful or proud, mainly due to the fact that she feels a continuous drive to attain respect and status similar to those granted to warriors and leaders she admires. While she is touched by words of praise from her family and her idols, she is deeply uncomfortable in those situations. Preferring actions over words, this has challenged her communication with others as she likewise expects her close relations to observe and intuit what she needs, rather than her telling them. In most situations, barring the personal and emotional, she has great communication skills. [/indent][/indent] [color=278723][u] H I S T O R Y [/u][/color] [indent][indent] Talia was born into the highest ranks in her town. Her father, the brother of the Chief, was the foremost warrior and strategist, while her mother was one of the Chosen. Sadly, Talia never met her father as he was killed during one of the battles between Alovia and Thelan a few months before her birth. Through tales told by her uncle and mother, she learned of her father and grew to greatly admire him. With her mother one of the Chosen, requiring many trips to the Mother Tree, the two of them moved to live with the Chief and his family. As such, she spent much of her youth following her aunt, the town’s healer and herbalist, and uncle during her mother’s many trips. As children, her cousins and her would go hunting and foraging, developing useful tools for the future. Although hunting primary with sling shots and spears, Talia developed a real interest in hunting and weaponry. It was through the mock fights and contests, however, that her desire to become a warrior solidified. During their youth she was pretty evenly matched with her cousins, allowing for intense competition and steady improvement. Over time, however, the distance between the abilities of her male cousins and herself grew. Determined to beat them, she set out to invent something that would even the scales, and possibly tip it in her favor. Through observations of her childhood weapon, the sling shot, creativity and blessings from the Mother Tree, she fashioned a spear-thrower, adding extra force and power to her throws. Through rigorous practice and testing, she further developed her novel weapon, the atlatl. Becoming an expert markswoman, she quickly started beating all her cousins— male or female. Following her formal womanhood ceremony, she was encouraged by her uncle, despite it not being a normal avenue for women, to participate in many of the contests and hunts held for the young adults of her town. Unable to deny her skill, in both inventing such a weapon and her usage of it, the elders finally allowed her to begin warrior training. There she learned not only how to fight and defend oneself against a variety of weapons in a number of situations, ascertaining her aptitude for strategy and leadership, the older warriors trained her to one day follow in her father’s footsteps. By the time she had joined the rank of warriors, she was leading small hunts and given the honor of leading a couple of the protection details for the Chosen’s pilgrimage. She also makes atlatls for everyone in her town and trains many people in its use, becoming the expert in her town. Despite this, she still has an underlying desire to prove herself, primarily because she wants to prove that she got her role through merit and also because there are many males in her town who still find it isn’t her place. Her decision to join the quest was motivated by her desire to prove to herself, and her town, that she is a great warrior. Recognising the learning experience, she has been entrusted with leading her people during the quest. [/indent][/indent] [color=278723][u] M I S C [/u][/color] [indent][indent] For the journey, she is taking her horse, Tihei. Additionally for the colder climate she’s going to be dressed more like [url=https://img.roleplayerguild.com/prod/users/1333cc4b-53fa-46bc-a97c-61db4a2932f8.jpg] this [/url] because ya girl is not used to the cold. [/indent][/indent] [center][sub][color=278723] #278723 [/color][/sub][/center][/hider]