[hider=Hatzur] [center][color=fff200][h3] Hatzur [/h3][/color] [img]https://i.imgur.com/2m9XLK1.jpg[/img][/center][hr][hr] [color=fff200][u] N A M E [/u][/color] [indent][indent] Hatzurmarana Etse Tsorovah [/indent][/indent] [color=fff200][u] T I T L E [/u][/color] [indent][indent] The Sell-Spell [/indent][/indent] [color=fff200][u] N A T I O N A L I T Y [/u][/color] [indent][indent] Alovia - Witches’ Huts [/indent][/indent] [color=fff200][u] A G E [/u][/color] [indent][indent] 26 [/indent][/indent] [color=fff200][u] G E N D E R [/u][/color] [indent][indent] Female [/indent][/indent] [color=fff200][u] A P P E A R A N C E [/u][/color] [indent][indent] Hatzur is a tall woman, standing at about 1.75m, with a slim and elegant figure. Her hair is silver colored and usually kept short, her eyes, in contrast, are of a deep black colour. She has a sense of fashion that seems very atypical for a witch, with practical and sophisticated outfits which are kept impeccably clean. The colors are typically matching white and black with rarely ever any other color except the occasional gemstone accessory. She likes to wear gloves and boots to avoid touching things with her skin. She sticks to her style no matter what, though she adapts what pieces she wears depending on the environment they will always follow a similar style. [/indent][/indent] [color=fff200][u] I N T E R E S T S [/u][/color] [indent][indent] - Technology - Thelannian Culture - Fashion - Expensive meals - Architecture - Wine - Falconry[/indent][/indent] [color=fff200][u] P E R S O N A L I T Y [/u][/color] [indent][indent] Hatzur is a cold, aloof individual who sees the world through an equally cold mindset, often victim blaming those who are less fortunate. She faces such a world with a focus on practical, if not utilitarian, behaviour, she knows the very people who created traditions and codes of honour would break and bend them to fill their personal objectives, so why should she abide by them? The good side of this is that she is also open minded, not rejecting to look into other cultures and philosophies as she doesn’t assume her background is the best. In particular, she has a keen interest in Thelannian culture and all of their technology. Her number one objective is to simply live well, being a witch makes that an issue, as many struggle to just live by, seldom living in the wealthy standards Hatzur wants for herself. Many people say that the strongest animals survive, but she recognizes many animals survive by being not worth the trouble, and that is somewhat her approach to her own survival, keeping things discreet and having a lot of fallbacks to rely on. She considers herself to be clever, and definitely has shown some persuasive power in her dealings, be it in a straightforward manner or playing around with people’s psyche, and she often values similar traits in others while thinking overly idealistic people will just bring about their downfall.[/indent][/indent] [color=fff200][u] H I S T O R Y [/u][/color] [indent][indent] She was one of the daughters of a merchant family in a city that was booming with the newfound peace between the kingdoms. Of course, where there is coin there is crime, and while the ports and fancy estates were growing in size, so was the underworld, and her family was not one that thought twice before applying underhanded practices to get ahead. Thinking the girl would grow to be part of the family, they shared a lot of their ‘wisdom’ with Hatzurmarana, which, along with a life of luxury, made the girl start to dream about the day she would be an adult, have her own shops and ships to command, make decisions. And then the witch nature manifested itself. One day she was resting in bed with silk bed sheets, the other, she was scorned, sent off to the end of the world with barely anything but her own clothes, off to cross a murky swamp all by herself. It was a shock and it left her extremely bitter. She was discovered to be adept to black magic and revealed herself to be a diligent student of the arts, yet also one that seemed to question everything around her. One day, while being told the classic cautionary tale of the young witch who tries to save a kid just to be met with suspicion by the parents and eventually hunted down, it clicked on her that maybe that witch was just a fool, people don’t understand the value of gifted things, perhaps if she had asked for a high price, if she had mocked the foolish peasants for thinking they could ever afford her medicine, they would have understood the value of what she was offering. This eventually led to her starting to play around with the idea of selling her services as a witch. There were many things she could do that had clear practical value, be it a pretty gemstone glowing with magical charge or an enhanced item, she just needed to convince the non-magical folk that they had a demand for such items. And it worked, with a careful approach and some intrigue she found herself some clients, those first transactions starting rumors, rumors which, once guided properly, ended up bringing her more clients. Many witches didn’t like that, calling her a “sellspell” due to her acting just like a mercenary, a sellsword, she didn’t mind it, it was a truth she wasn’t afraid off. It was all going awfully well which was why she expected something to go wrong. The disappearance of Queen Anice was exactly that. The type of business she was growing was an alternative to the typical war services witches provided, if hostilities were resumed she was sure she would be forced into that outdated model. Furthermore, she had an honest interest in Thelan, not just as a place of potential business but as someone who held a legitimate interest in their culture and philosophy, she didn’t want this war. [/indent][/indent] [center][sub][color=fff200] art | fff200 [/color][/sub][/center] [/hider]