Tiger waited for the other two to walk before stepping in to comment quietly. "The other two won't admit it sir, but it's rather likely the Catalyst girl acts as she does because we didn't really treat her with respect from the start either. We treated her, well... Like a Catalyst. So how you say, we may expect the same in kind?" He saluted before turning to follow the others to prepare his machine. Maria finished her testing of her machine before moving to the weapons that were packed at its feet. She ran diagnostics on them one at a time to make sure they were functioning right. Finally she finished, and unlike most of the other pilots that were running around trying to finish their tests before it was time to move out, she had plenty of time to just sit down. She sat at the feet of her machine on the edfe of the metal platformnit was mounted on. She kicked her feet back and forth and stared at the ground. She sure didn't seem the soldier type.