[center][h1]Nasearph Sana[/h1] [@Scarifar][@Crowvette][@rawkhawk64][@AtomicNut][/center] [hr] "He's a flighty, unreliable psychopath." Naserph said to Michael. "The day of the tournament he accompanied myself and Wulf to rescue Andras from the ones who kidnapped her. When we got there he cut the throat of that top heavy demon-" "Wulf's Friend." Ria interrupted. "Meridith. Did I tell you guy she's gone mental? Kidnapped Andras out of her bed. Celestine...fuckin' fallen one I guess...walked in and grilled me on what happened before taking ofDid you say he cut her throat!?!" Her eyes suddenly shot wide as that piece of info hit her. "I saw her at school though." "She got better." Naserph replied testily. "Demonic blood imparts astounding resiliency. Anyone touched by it does not easily die, though the results of their healing are not always pleasant to look upon. Regardless, may I finish?" It was a question that it wasn't really a question. Ria sighed and ceded the floor back to him. He nodded, continuing. "The fallen one, after spilling the blood of the demon strumpet, seemed to change his mind about why he was there. He chose to cut Andras psychologically and left hand in hand with the demon he'd just attempted to murder. If he is your problem he is very dangerous one." Despite the warning Naserph was smiling, practically radiating anticipation. He had expected something like this to happen at the party. Staying close to Andras was already paying dividends. Ria, thought, was flipping her eyes rapidly between Andras, Diana, and Naserph trying decide which questions sh should ask first. Naserph was leaving a lot out of that story, something had clearly gone down with Andras, but Diana here seemed to be the only one privy to things happening in the present. "Okay, you tell us exactly what's happening." She said to Diana.