[center][h2]XO Kol’Zife-In orbit above Muunilist[/h2][/center] The call to action fell deaf on the Twi’lek’s ears as he kept hearing the words over and over again in his head that Alderaan would once more fall to be an example of a psychotic ruler’s power. Even without Falul saying anything, within moments, the [i]Resurgence[/i] was already gone, it’s drive spun up and activated before the Separatist fleet had replied. As the stars around the ship and visible from the bridge became streaks of light, Kol’Zife fell into his seat, tears on his face. Elsewhere on the ship, one of the enlisted men had pulled a bottle of Corellian Whiskey from a hiding place under his bunk and sat alone, drinking. No tears adorned his grim face, but it wasn’t hard to tell what was on his mind. The man’s name was Forzen Hartan, a member of Krayt Squad from the enlisted Infantry division on board and for him, the Alderaan Crisis was somewhat personal as he was a member of one of the lesser Houses from his home universe, House Hartan and had lost everyone he knew when Grand Moff Tarkin had used the Death Star to destroy the planet. He had been offworld at the time, along with most of his unit, to scout an asteroid belt that was suspected to house the base of operations for some pirates who’d been hitting Alderaan’s hyperspace lanes and take out the brigands, when they had returned a few days later, all they found was the asteroid field that was the planet’s remains. Finding out what had happened to the world hadn’t been had, as Tarkin had ensured that all the worlds under the Empire’s control had seen a broadcast of what would happen if they took up arms against it anymore. Most of the men in Forzen’s unit gave up the will to fight after watching their homes, families, and loved ones instantly vaporized by a weapon powerful enough to crack a planet. Others decided to make a suicide attack on the local Imperial Garrison, deciding it was better to join their loved ones in death. They didn’t get too far before the AT-STs dealt with them. And Forzen and the rest? They became a rebel cell, using their experience as soldiers to wage guerilla warfare on the Garrison. This fight went on for a couple of years before the cell was cornered and everyone wiped out. One of the members had been bribed by an Imperial squad captain to betray them and, well, the lesson learned by Forzen was members of House Rist would always take good coin over a good cause. The last member of house Hartan himself was barely alive and waiting for the Stormtrooper over him to execute him when the group that had cornered his cell were wiped out by four white armored individuals. They took him back to the Deep Labs and he joined the Remnant with the determination to punish the Empire. Taking another deep swig, he felt a deep remorse at being in this alternate timeline of his own galaxy, because while he could fight the Empire here, it wasn’t the Empire that had wronged him. And when he’d learned they could possibly go to Alderaan, he vaguely hoped he’d see this universe’s version of his family. Now, with Anubis having decided to turn the planet into his example, the hurt from years prior was returning, the pain as he watched his homeworld vaporized with a single blast of a planet destroying weapon. And so he drank, trying to drown out the memories and pain. On the engineering deck, three engineers, a human named Dwayne, a Twi’lek going by Xol’Tine, and a Selkath called Gersu played cards in silence. Before joining the Remnant, they’d all been to Alderaan, Xol’Tine’s family had even settled there before the Empire blasted it. The loss of the world had affected Dwayne’s business and personal life, as he’d been unable to really visit, but his sister had been when it was destroyed. As for Gersu, his parents had been helping an old family friend rebuild after a Kilik attack on her home and had been lost with its destruction, though they all mourned the loss of a culture and billions of lives regardless. Anubis choosing the planet as his example of the fate of rebels was wrong, but it only renewed the crew’s will to fight him. [hr] [center][h2]Jason Erthos-Organa Space Port, Alderaan[/h2][/center] Even as Lord Organa went to leave, the members of the rag tag fleet that Elizabeth had summoned were getting to work trying to help evacuations. Jason followed the head of House Organa. “We can’t save them all.” Bail didn’t stop, but he did sigh heavily. “I know. What aid can you offer?” “Vael’Virisusai already went to inform our fleet, assuming the broadcast you were informed about was missed by them. They’ll get here as quick as they can, but it isn’t exactly hidden nearby. The [i]Taris[/i] is available to offer what aid we can, but there’s not much space on an [i]Arquitens[/i]-Class, as you already know.” “Something is better than nothing. House Panteer and House Thul are already getting their people gathered as fast as they can and using the shuttles they have available to ferry them into orbit until aid ships from nearby systems can arrive.” He shakes his head. “Ulgo and Rist will be taking their own ships and Houses Alde, Antilles, and Cortess also took precautions to evacuate as many of their own as possible. The Kiliks will enjoy us leaving until the storms wipe them out, and perhaps some day…” “You can repair the damage. We’ll have to hope you can, Lord Organa.” [hr] [center][h2]Jerus Je’and-Prancing Nexu, Nar Shaddaa[/h2][/center] “Suppose you make a good point, much as I’d like to-” Whatever Jerus was about to say is cut off as Anubis makes his broadcast. Jerus watches with his jaw slack, as to many of the other beings whose jaws were visible or able to extend, or those who had them. When it ended, the bounty hunter stood, leaving credits behind to pay for the drinks. “You’ll fly with me D-0.” “I prefer Dose.” Jerus sighs and nods. “Dose it is. Either way, you’ll fly with me.”{ The droid nods an affirmative and stands to follow him. “Plan’s to head to Alderaan. Something tells me the fleet will be.” [hr] [center][h2]Jerius Je’and-Clan Ordo Camp, Dxun[/h2][/center] Jerius stood with the beings around him, awaiting the return of Clan Ordo’s chief. After several minutes, she appeared, a heavy blaster rifle in hand. Upon seeing the head of the Tarantetek, however, a grin broke out on her face. “Well blast me in the knee, you actually brought that beast down. Suppose I should honor my side of our deal. What is it you want?” Jerius stepped fowards and bowed his head. “Your clan’s alliance, Ordo’alor. To face a threat that could destroy the entirety of the galaxy. Do you feel like being a galactic savior?” Temari turned to Eri and appraised her before nodding. “Gladly so long as that one agrees to exchange blows with me when next we get the chance. No armor of course.”