Perhaps, but I think my characters inherent ability is more than powerful enough to match, and defeat, a passive spirit, which can only be either equipment or an NPC, neither are as powerful as a main character. This is a give and take situation here, if you expect to be able to detect my character with anything other than your naked eyes, and therefore learn anything other than a Victorian man with a satchel and possibly a pistol is approaching you, then your character is unwittingly compromising them self to his ability. Unfortunately, my character is pretty much immune to viruses worms and subterfuge, as I stated his mind and his Soul Crystal are magical in nature, not technological. His ability just allows him to infuse technology with his magic and take control of it. Though the spirit can resist this with its own magic, he will also be able to detect that happening as well. You have to remember, my character is making no effort to hide but he is aware that a saboteur of significant skill is present, where-as your character can only assume what he's capable of from some shooting earlier. So, hiding from my character while also detecting him and also learning things is not possible, you can do maybe two at most, not all three.