[b]Character Sheet[/b] [hider=Character Sheet] [b]Name[/b]: Abigail L. Zist [b]Age[/b]: 16 [b]Origin[/b]: Texas, US 2001 [b]Appearance[/b]:[img]https://www.bing.com/th?id=OIP.j4GVKPvFB4bVKw06mkW3JwHaIY&pid=Api&rs=1[/img] ________________________________________ [b]Level[/b]: 1 [b]Health Points[/b]: 11000 [b]Mana[/b]: 550 [b]General Stats[/b]: • Strength - 500 • Endurance - 1100 • Intellegence - 1100 • Agility - 1100 • Dexterity - 700 • Luck - 500 [b]Common Skills[/b]: * Charisma 1- Individuals who user communicates with automatically lower their guard upon contact (outside of battle). Upon higher levels the user will be able to convince others to do what they want and be more accepting of things which are harder to believe. * Danger Sense-User has heightened alertness and can sense danger before it becomes apparent to her basic senses. AS skill levels up user will be better able to predict oncoming dangers. * Lightning Magic 1-User is able to discharge powerful bolts of electricity from their fingers. AT higher levels user will gain new ways to manipulate electrical energy, and release greater amounts of electrical energy. [b]Unique Skill[/b] • [b]Hephaestus [/b] - Objects regularly used by the user will gain upgraded/ evolved forms. These "forms" are based on a variety of circumstances including, but not limited to: how often the user uses said object, the average emotional state the user is in when using the object, how the object is actually used, different objects used together and desired intent upon using the object. ______________________________________ [b]Personality[/b]: Abigail lives for the thrill, or challenges and novel experiences. She's quick to become bored and often finds herself making list of things she would rather be doing. Often times this need for variety leads her into trouble like when she purposely creates difficulty for herself or others merely for the chance to see a reaction. As far the demon lord is concerned Abigail is neutral. While she does believe that things will work out to her benefit, as far as personal interest and a means by which to have fun, she's certain things will take a turn at some point in time. She's heard enough stories about forces of evil to know that dealings with them always end in bites to the bum. [b]Short Background[/b]: Abigail was born and raised in a very orthodox family of Christians, in a fairly busy city. Which was fine if not a little boring as her parents denied her many of the eccentricities of everyday life. Things took a turn for the worst when her father became entranced by the ideas of a man named Marcus, whom convinced her father to say his small store and join in on their familial community. Which was a cult, that worshiped dirt. The people in the cult where kind if not a little dull. Their daily lives consisted of toiling in fields at night as the sun, with the great blue sky was an affront to the ground. They were also against space travel, television because of the signals from the sky, internet, and anything that existed due to digital innovations. Abigail grew bored of this life fairly quickly and at fourteen ran away from home, and kept away, living in streets and making a fairly decent living thanks to her charming personality, and willing to take bets and odd jobs. ________________________________________ [b]Other[/b]:[/hider]