[b]"Son of a..."[/b] Malcolm muttered as the alarm started to go off. After hearing Jason's orders, Malcolm activated the HUD in the glasses he was wearing to complete his disguise. In a few moments he was back out in the corridor following the highlighted path to the parking garage with one of his pistols drawn. As he rounded the last corner Malcolm stopped abruptly after seeing two large guards carrying submachine guns at the end of the hallway who immediately opened fire upon seeing him. Seeing no immediate alternative, Malcolm said into the comms link,[b]"I've got two guards at the end of the eastern hallway leading into the parking structure, ground floor.[/b]" He paused for a moment to peek around the corner and see what they were doing, which was immediately followed by the sound of bullets whizzing past the wall. [b]"They aren't pursuing. Unless Team 3 wants to come take care of them, Guardian Angel I'm going to need you to send me an alternative route to get in the garage, and fast. There's bound to be more on the way. Seeing how these two aren't pursuing I might've stumbled onto their escape route."[/b] Malcolm leaned against the wall with his pistol pointed down the corridor he came from, occasionally leaning the slightest around the corner to make sure the two men were not getting closer.