[center][h1][color=#F79130]Ila'Iri Orina[/color][/h1][/center] As Airus claimed to have a meeting, Ila started to nod in acceptance that he was busy, only for him to offer for her to come along. She paused her nod for a moment before then continuing it, [color=#F79130]"I'd be honored, Master Airus."[/color] As she followed behind him, she quietly thought to herself [i][color=#F79130]I meant to leave Master Solace to the business she had, but unless there's another diplomat hanging around the temple that I didn't know about, it looks like I accidentally got myself involved. Must not be too big of a deal if Master Airus is allowing me to attend, though.[/color][/i] Despite being invited to see said holocron, she felt slightly nervous, like anything Solace was doing was likely too important for the young togruta to be involved in. Upon getting the directions to the correct room from the clerk, Ila gave a quick smile and wave on the way by, hoping to make up for her nervousness with quiet friendliness. As she entered the room behind Airus, she gave a quick bow to the two already in the room. Not knowing whether she should introduce herself or not, she stayed silent. [i][color=#F79130]Official business is a little worrying... I hope I don't get assigned to Master Solace, I couldn't handle figuring out what to do in situations like this.[/color][/i] Before she got too far into wondering about whether the diplomat would even be getting a padawan, let alone the risks of it being her, she focused on the comments being made by the three in the room. Ila quietly craned her neck just a little, hoping to get a good look at the holocron without getting in the way or distracting any of them. [color=#F79130][i]Right, sith... the ancient evil that wielded the force like we jedi do.[/i][/color] She suddenly straightened her posture as she heard something about a Sith Spirit. [color=#F79130][i]Wait, this was actually [/i]super[i] important, and Master Airus just walked me in here without a care. I guess I'm getting assigned soon, so I can handle myself well enough... I guess I should get used to stuff like this from whoever my master is.[/i][/color] As her thoughts wrapped up her near conversation to herself, she started to relax slightly, assuming she was at least okay to be there since she hadn't been asked to leave. Ila almost got into a fighting stance when Solace recoiled from the holocron. She watched as the device begin to react, and started to get ready to pull her lightsaber for, if nothing else, defense. The lights flashing, the surprise from the others in the room, and then the red light. It all felt dark, wrong, overall unmistakably not good. It could have been Ila's expectations of the thing tainting the experience, but it didn't matter what it actually was, she didn't exactly like it. As the thing rung out something about releasing to Verra Alleron, Ila spread her stance slightly to defend or take off if needed. She quietly spoke out, a nervous smile across her face, [color=#F79130]"Does.. this mean we're learning more about the Sith?"[/color] Maybe not the best time for her to speak up.