[center][color=#ead0d9]‧˚₊*̥꒰❃•̤ॢ꒩•̤ॢ꒱‧˚₊*̥ [/color][img]https://txt-dynamic.static.1001fonts.net/txt/dHRmLjQ4LmU1YmRkNi5SWEJvWVdrZ1JtbHNhRzgsLjE,/rebecca.regular.png[/img] [color=#ead0d9]‧˚₊*̥꒰❃•̤ॢ꒩•̤ॢ꒱‧˚₊*̥ [/color] [color=#b88999]‗‗‗‗‗‗‗‗‗‗‗‗‗‗‗‗‗‗‗‗‗‗‗‗‗‗‗‗‗‗‗‗‗‗‗‗‗‗‗[/color] [img]https://i.imgur.com/Ssmx6lY.png?1[/img][/center] [color=#b88999]‗‗‗‗‗‗[/color] [color=gray]Ephai blinked. He was standing by the railing of the boat, staring at the clear water. A groan escaped his lips, a little seasick by the motion. He rested his arms on the bar while placing his head on them; his bright pink hair flowing alongside the breeze, with a color like that, it wasn't hard to spot the small boy. Ephai leaned his whole body on the railing and sighed. [i]"Unfortunately there won't be any fighting, but you've been less of a nuisance lately so I guess you deserve some fun."[/i][/color] [color=gray]His eyebrows twitched, [i]unfortunately? nuisance? deserve some fun??[/i] He sucked his teeth,[/color][color=#b88999]"Who does she think she is?"[/color] [color=gray]The tapping on his foot increased,[/color][color=#b88999]"Treating me like some--some--pet!"[/color] [color=gray]Finally exhaling his furious sigh, Ephai shook his head. There was no point in thinking about Callaia's remark, if anything, he was on a trip, there was water, the beaches; Ephai nodded, exactly, he should be thinking about the good parts--the parts that he was looking forward to the most.[/color] [color=gray][i]But--[/i] Ephai left his post. [i]--It'll just have to wait.[/i] He began his stomps to wherever his dear partner was, readying himself to just annoy her with his complaints.[/color] [color=#b88999]‗‗‗‗‗‗[/color] [color=gray]Before he knew it, Ephai was rounded up and pushed into the crowd of students that were leaving the boat. Callaia was no where in sight. Pushing his way through the crowd, licking his lips, Ephai darted his direction to the frantic woman named Ms. Opal. Or more so, the townspeople. He picked at the loose strands from his sweater, his eyes lowering, [i]weird.[/i] [i]And when was it so foggy?[/i] He stared harder and the longer he glared, the more confused he was. The people obviously had something to them, it was as if they were in a trance. [i]If this turns out to be some fucking-- I don't know just...[/i] [/color] [color=#b88999]"--This is definitely Callaia's fault."[/color] [color=gray]He finished his thought aloud. Turning away from the scene, Ephai quickly waved his head around, [i]where[/i] was she anyways. Then, as if things couldn't haven gotten any weirder, a student's surprised yell gathered his attention. Turning to face where the sound came from, he noticed that Ms.Opal, had suddenly turned into a sheep. His eyes widen, instantly his fingers dragged up to his shoulders and the small boy was seen guarding himself. The crowds whispers got louder, several students confused at the sudden transformation. There was even a part of Ephai that believed maybe it was just some stupid--hey! here's a funny greeting--for the students, but when time passed, that didn't seem to be the situation. [/color] [color=gray]His head drooped downwards and the boy shifted his feet, a sweat drop rolled down his cheek. [i][right]"--s everyone alright?" "Don't panic--" "to help Miss Opal-- "--I mean we are a team right?"[/right][/i] Ephai snapped back to reality. He caught himself staring at the concrete, before lifting his head to a student speaking; then back to what Ephai assumed to be their partner who cautiously hid behind him. Evan and Coda; Ephai practically knew most of the students here, it was his tactic in order to know who to avoid. He bit down on his lip, watching as a new pair interjected--Arlette and Keith--concluding that everyone were to not drink [i]or[/i] eat anything. (He wanted very strongly to oppose to such a rule) Ephai felt his hand trembling, [I]whats with this...[/I] a quiet whimper escaped his lips. Furrowing his eyebrows and listening in on more students state a word or two in the discussion, Ephai couldn't help but feel [i]uncomfortable[/i]. One being they were stuck on an island with a teacher who just randomly turned into a sheep and two--his partner wasn't here. He wasn't sure whether to feel angry, afraid, or just overall tired, but Ephai sure was restless. Closing his eyes quickly and reopening them, Ephai felt his vision blur--[/color] [color=gray]“Eph, great job not getting lost or into any fights,” Swiftly, Ephai turned around, staring at his partner. A scowl instantly appeared, clearing off any evidence of what was going to be an outburst of tears.[/color] [color=#b88999]"You idiot!"[/color] [color=gray]He balled up his fist,[/color] [color=#b88999]"How could you--"[/color] [color=gray]Then, cleanly interrupting him, she [i]wonderfully[/i] asked him if he could do her a favor(or more so a demand). As if she wasn't already giving him trouble by disappearing and then reappearing as if everything was just dandy. He turned his head, searching for Arlette. Did he want to do it? No--but, lowering his head, Ephai sighed. Sometimes, he couldn't say no to Callaia. [/color] [color=#b88999]"You're annoying."[/color] [color=gray]He added,[/color] [color=#b88999]"Hope you know that."[/color] [color=gray]Dragging his feet through the crowd, Ephai rolled up the ends of his sweater and his eyes. Spotting the girl he was searching for, Ephai tapped Arlette on the shoulder. A clear--I'm really fucking pissed--crossed his face, lifting his finger, he pointed towards Callaia,[/color] [color=#b88999]"Go."[/color] [color=gray]Callaia's small statement lingered in his mind, [I]something interesting huh?[/I][/color] [right][color=#b88999]‗‗‗‗‗‗[/color][/right]