[quote=@Lmpkio] Definitely all unique characters. Ryu would be a nice Street Fighter representative. Pretty good brawler and all~ Mercy would be a valuable healer, however she would also have to heavily on her teammates to support her against the enemy. Robin would be a powerful magical warrior - god help us all if Grima ever wants to show up. Hawke/Maverick could be a cool badguy unit-commander, revolving more on minions and units to help him conquer. However, we're pretty full on major villains atm, so I dunno about him personally. I think your two best starting bets would either be Ryu and/or Robin. [/quote] Heh. All what you said is true but there were my own reasons. For Street Figher Ryu...well, depending on which Ryu, he's been jumping into other worlds and dimensions for various reasons that The Crossroads would be just another Monday for him XD Mercy simply because the "good guys" don't have a dedicated healer of any type so she'd fill that role pretty well. Robin for his tatical mindset. He could help lead the hero's into battle or at least help those who wish to go home. He's also jumped into a few other games before too so The Crossroads wouldn't be anything new for him either. Hawke would actually be a good guy or "neutral good" since he lightens up a little after his encounter with Jake and the other CO's in the last installment of the Advance Wars games. He'd have an army and tatical mind to back up anyone who's having trouble dealing with the bad guy's minions at the very least if they're too many in number to handle.