The constant drone of the laboratory had lulled the still hard at work Christian into some sort of hypnotic work frenzy as he frantically entered calculations at great speed, testing and counter testing theories but every break through was succeeded soon after by a dead end and his enthusiasm was slowly dying. The neon glow of the blue laboratory lights and the soft murmur of the research units did not prepare him for the shrill warning signal that echoed through the small facility's hallways. This smashed his concentration and he immediately followed procedure, equipping himself with an emergency pack from the storage facility and hurriedly getting into a full body atmospheric protection suit in case the compound's was failing. After doing this he ran to his living quarters and scanned the source of the signal. He muttered to himself as he checked over the data. "Good, the life support systems are running fine." He continued to type "The atmosphere is also fine, no violent storms." He looked over the data scanning it as fast as he could "Then what is the problem?" He asked rhetorically as his eyes became fixed on a line of code. His eyes darkened "A distress signal." He read out "from section 7, but no ship are scheduled to be here until a week from now." He walked out into the corridors and pushed in a code to open the complex door as well as the buggy enclosure "Even if it is a glitch, I should check it out." He thought to himself before quickly making a log detailing what he had just learned and what he now planned to do. Christian was met relatively "calm" storms for Xenon II but this didn't stop bracing himself as he walked from the compound towards the now exposed buggy enclosure. He quickly got on and started the engine, driving fast towards the location of the distress signal. His eyes could barely pierce the thick wastelands sand like storms but he remained on the suggested route planned by his tracking device and within an hour he had reached the ship's crash site. He rubbed sand and dirt from the front of his helmet allowing him to see more clearly the foreign ship in front of him, it stood virtually not as a wreckage but as a virtually undamaged ship. It was not what he was expecting. His heart was pounding like a heavy drum, nothing he had ever read documented a ship like this. He approached with cation and excitement, the steps he took followed the rhythm of his heart as he grew closer to what he thought may be a possible entrance to the craft. He began attempting to find a way onto the craft by scanning several parts of the ship with his scanner. The pulsing sounds of the scanner were heard inside the craft as a quite high pitched ringing sound. "Hello, is there anyone aboard this vessel?" Christian yelled attempting to be heard over the violent storms. "If you're wounded I may be able to assist, I am a a doctor." He continued. He waited for the signs of life as he continued to scan the craft for an entrance.