you know? Zsinj's Mandalorian Dog, might be able to use this Chiss to fuck with Ja'Karr... hrmm... [quote=@Jollan] [hider=My Hider] Name: Mi'la Vi'keema Age: 22 Race: Twi'lek [img][/img] Brief Bio: Mi'la was born a slave, just as her mother, under the Black Sun pirates. From labor when she was a child to pleasing carnal desires of her owners when she matured, she had never known what it was like to be free. She did, however, find small sparks of kindness in the darkness of her life from one of her owners bodyguards. When Mi'la was called upon to service the leader of the Black Sun, chosen for her beauty, rare color, and hassle free submissiveness, she would meet Zilas, who was the only person after her mother's passing who ever seemed to treat her with care, or tried to lessen the pain of her slavery where he could. Every now and then even sneaking treat for her or gifts that she would hide away. A couple years went by and during some strange raid on the ship she was servicing, there were a pair of what Mi'la could only assume at the time were jedi, little did she know that they came looking specifically for her, to release her from this life, and tap into gifts that she never knew she had. Three years pass, and Mi'la was now an official apprentice to Je'kaar, the leader of the Free Force. Neither Jedi nor Sith, but a balance in the middle, people who thought rationally about a situation instead of adhering to the strict dogma of either side of the force. Faction: Order of the Free Force Why has your character joined this faction? They are the ones that freed her from her slavery and showed her the force powers hidden within her. Personality: Kind hearted, yet uncertain. With her newfound freedom, she is often unsure of her own choices, and lacks self confidence. Having never been able to decide anything for herself, she always seems to ask someone else if they think something is alright to do or if they might agree with her way of thinking, looking for confirmation. She has a deep hatred for the Black Sun Pirates, for obvious reasons, and a deep loyalty to the Free Force. She has found a knack for tinkering with things and finds it stress relieving, even when her projects seem to fail, unless that failure get someone else hurt, then it worries her greatly enough to not want to try making that particular thing again. While having been trained to fight, she prefers not to, but when she does, she tries to end it as fast as possible, often relying on her blaster before even reaching for her lightsaber. Equipment: A short polearm like lightsaber that can come apart in two parts. The emitter, switch, first leather wrapped handle followed by a basic extension as the first part serve as the main construct of the lightsaber. In this state, it only produces a single regular length blade from the center emitter. When the rest of the extension is locked in, however, more power is given to the blade, lengthening it nearly a foot (from 26 inches to 37) and activating the two side emitters. In this configuration, it acts more of a short polearm, and has a slight curve at the end of the staff addition for extra purchase and control. The side emitters allow for blade catching and disarming enemy weapons. This added length allows Mi'la to stay a bit out of reach of conventional lightsabers in a dual. Other than that, she has a basic mechanics kit that she keeps with her at all times, though anything more than that she has stored at home or i the hangar. She also carries a DC-17 heavy blaster pistol from the clone wars era that is meticulously well taken care of. It was the first thing Ja'kaar gave her when he liberated her and she made sure to take good care of it ever since. [hider=her 'saber' of sorts][img][/img][/hider] [hider=DC-17 heavy blaster pistol][img][/img][/hider] [/hider] [/quote] Yo [@Honesty Crow] was this one approved?