[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/Ge77CGM.png[/img] [b]Interactions:[/b] Whina Rikimaru [@Lunarlord34], Ezekiel Abel O’Brien [@Kestrel][/center] [color=9c1c2b]"Honestly, there's a decent probability that it doesn't help the project I originally promised your grandfather with in the slightest,"[/color] Saori told Whina, [color=9c1c2b]"That said, there's so much knowledge to be obtained from these arcane creatures that we still sorely lack. If anything, I think it'd be worth looking into [i]them[/i] as opposed to constantly chasing this myth."[/color] Saori's eyes drifted down, specifically so she could look at the state of her own clothes. [color=9c1c2b]"In any case, I probably should change before I go out with everyone,"[/color] she noted, [color=9c1c2b]"Just the slightest glance at my direction and those foolish commoners will immediately assume I killed a guy. I'd rather not have the hassle of it all..."[/color] However, she didn't have much of a chance to go anywhere. It was at this time that Ezekiel O'Brien, or Zeke as his name was often shortened to for convenience's sake, had piped up his own interest with the monsters, and proposed the two of them come to an agreement on how exactly to divide the "treasure", so to speak. Saori simply mouthed an 'oh' and raised an eyebrow in curiosity. [color=9c1c2b]"You wouldn't try to carve one up and put it on a plate before I've deduced that they're even safe to eat, would you Zeke?"[/color] asked Saori, still trying to fathom what Ezekiel might have wanted from a monster, before debilitating a bit more on his proposal and coming up with an answer, [color=9c1c2b]"It's not that I mind sharing, as accurate as I suppose it is, but we'll have to see how many of these creatures we can... [i]procure[/i], for the night. Tell you what; if you were to assist me in capturing and containing them, I'd guarantee that you'll get to keep at least one regardless of the sample size I'd ultimately have to then work with. How does that sound?"[/color]