[center][img]https://images2.imgbox.com/68/3a/EFTnYJ5V_o.png[/img][hr][color=fff200][h2]Mount Enzo[/h2][/color][hr] The sound of the forest around him and branches beneath his feet. Esfandiyar took in the mountain air, a deep inhale that reignited the sensation of vigor within himself. To feel something past his final hours, he'd cherish it. Though this wasn't all fun and games here, he knew his objective better than any other and saw to it with fast speeds to his running. The terrain was rough to traverse, it was a given since he was avoiding the staircase to keep out of the line of sight. Right until he reached close enough to the mountain's summit see a building coming close into view. Ryuudou Temple, it wasn't his goal, not really. Now that he was high enough, Esfandiyar stopped dead on his heels and twisted his body around to leap upwards, catching hold of a tree branch and swing himself higher. Upwards he elevated until he could stand atop one of the solid trees that showed off the skies overhead and the entire city stretching out below. [color=yellow]"Time to put myself to work I guess!"[/color] His emerald eyes focused for a moment, pushing beyond what most would consider normal to intake the surrounding areas and try to get any inclinations of who or what awaited him in this war. 「Clairvoyance: C」 His attention was cut short by the sight of two individuals near the base of the mountain. Oho, he'd be in a bit of trouble if this was a worst case scenario and he was up against two opponents, something he'd like to avoid if possible. What was the best course of action here? Attempting to flee? Well, if they were faster than him then he'd be caught out possibly in a worse position. [color=yellow]"Well, I did get a good view... hm, ah well. I can take my licks if it comes to it. Maybe I'll get lucky."[/color] A leap from the tree which gave a small bend to accommodate the force behind the leap and Esfandiyar flew down, landing mid-way on the staircase the two servants below were arriving at. [color=yellow]"Well met. I take it you're not here for some fun sight-seeing, huh?"[/color] An attempt at a diplomatic approach, if they weren't here to fight then that'd be all the better for him. Even with the higher ground, he knew nothing of these two and the war was still fresh. What was supposed to be an easy reconnaissance was becoming less easy and more complicated real fast. [hr][@SSW][@Cu Chulainn][@Astarte][hr][/center][center][img]https://images2.imgbox.com/9e/7b/usFKk2iS_o.png[/img][hr][color=8dc73f][h2]Miyama Town[/h2][/color][hr][b]Crrk--[/b] The sound of a soda machine dropping one of it's cold fizzy drinks down into a slot was audible among the hustle and bustle of Miyama Town. Cormac was taking some time to relax for himself, his surveillance of the King's Banquet and the following fight through his contact with Xerxes was rattling his mind, compartmentalizing all these variables was a chore. To think there could be such a grand scale to this war, he should have expected this when he joined but... it was nothing he couldn't handle but life was so much simpler when you could just lay your head down and sleep. One thing was for certain though, he needed to regroup and plan out the next move. His mind traced out, fingering along the connection between Master and Servant to touch at the back of Xerxes' mind and give way to his voice inside. [color=8dc73f]"That is enough for now, Rider. Pull back, we've gotten enough from this engagement as a whole. I'm sure you've had a bountiful fill of your fun and spirit, yes? I don't mind how you return to me, as long as you do before dawn. We need to go over what we've learned."[/color][hr][@Reflection][/center]