[center][color=98FB98][h2]♦ Wèi Lái ~ Project Attacus ♦[/h2][/color][/center][hr]The moth Zasshu's wide grin softened into a grateful smile as Cade acted as an organic umbrella for the girls. She really did hate getting wet, but his carapace kept the worst of the downpour off of their heads. Wèi Lái shuffled inside the elevator as quickly as possible, and once the doors closed she separated from the other Zasshu and stretched her arms up high over her head. [i][color=98FB98]"Thanks, Cade~! Rain is the woooorst,"[/color][/i] she said. Water dripped off the tips of her wings where she wasn't able to draw them under the carapace, and she resisted the urge to shake them off. She didn't wait too long however, as soon as the elevator came to a halt and the doors opened, Wèi Lái hopped out toward the side and flapped her wings to get rid of the excess rain. Once that was over with, she focused on the room at large and the girl who'd been waiting for them. [color=98FB98][i]"Sakurai!"[/i][/color] Wèi Lái repeated the Zasshu's name, waving all of her arms at the girl. The Major seemed to be strict with her, and although she was more talkative than the other two, she also seemed to be of the nervous sort. Just how exactly were her fellow Zasshu treated growing up? She'd have to get them out of their shells. Metaphorically, of course. It might hurt Cade to come out of his shell. Wèi Lái stepped up next to the table Lindy and Cade were seated at, one hand placed on her chest and the other gesturing to the other two Zasshu as she introduced them all. [color=98FB98][i]"I'm Wèi Lái~ This is Lindy and Cade! We came with Mitsu, as you know!"[/i][/color] She used the shortened form of the Major's name to see if the woman would make a retort, [color=98FB98][i]"I'm from China, and I am Kougou's daughter. Don't you think that makes me sort of like a princess~?"[/i][/color] she giggled. [color=98FB98][i]"Mitsu~ You said there's food here, right?"[/i][/color] in the absence of anyone else in the hall, Wèi Lái glanced at the soldier stationed by the door. [color=98FB98][i]"Can you bring us some food, Curly~?"[/i][/color] Clearly, the moth-like Zasshu had no issues asserting herself or making demands. She turned back to her fellows and gave them a warm smile. [color=98FB98][i]"Lindy, Cade and I only just met~ I don't know where they're from. Would you tell us~?"[/i][/color]