[center][h1]Elena Kozlov[/h1] [color=#92886D][sub]Location:[/sub][/color] [sub]Break room[/sub] [color=#92886D][sub]Time:[/sub][/color] [sub]Morning[/sub] [color=#92886D][sub]Mentions:[/sub][/color] [sub][@Kosm][/sub] [color=#92886D][sub]Interactions:[/sub][/color] [sub]Adrik Kamenev[/sub][/center] [hr] [color=708090][I]"You saw something."[/I][/color] His statement caught her off guard. What did he know, exactly? Elena would have never guessed Kamenev was on to something. Hell, she would have never guessed anyone there was on to something. None of the other professors or staff she knew ever brought it up to her, and it's not like she had said anything to anyone else either. But that was because she was a little hard on herself, and people might assume rather unpleasant things about her going off of previous experiences with rumors about some of the staff. [color=#92886D]"I did..."[/color] Elena finally responded, unsure whether she should be honest or lie to him. If she was going with the latter, then she would simply fabricate a family emergency. That would get him off her back. But on the other hand, maybe Kamenev knew something, or better yet, he himself had seen something too. [color=#92886D]"But you're right, I need to sit."[/color] In her mind, Elena juggled some theories for the strange occurrence she had just witnessed. She was steady on her feet, slowly making her way inside the break room and passing another professor she'd seen quite a few times in between classes and office hours. Elena greeted him with a half-smile and a nod, figuring it was polite enough since the two were crossing paths for only a couple of seconds. Seeing as the break room was empty, she headed for the nearest table. Elena's face displayed traces of confusion as well as anxiety. She still didn't know what to make of the incident, despite her being a rather pragmatic person. A logical answer would be that her phone somehow picked up a security camera's feed transmitting live to her device, but that wasn't feasible as there was no security camera in that hallway. Elena sighed, taking a seat to address Kamenev. [color=#92886D]"Something popped on my screen. When I checked my phone, I was looking at myself--or rather, at the both of us. It's as if someone was standing behind me recording a live transmission. I know it sounds crazy and you probably think I'm losing my mind, but I can't really explain what happened."[/color] She stopped for a moment, her eyes glued to her colleague. [color=#92886D]"That's um...not the first odd episode I've had here. [I]But,[/i] with that said, this job has had me exhausted beyond imagination, so who's to say I'm not hallucinating?"[/color] Elena grimaced, not sure whom she was trying to convince.