Maria did not look to the colonel. She kept going about her own business, which was apparently staring and kicking her feet. "If I die it will be in the seat of a machine where I will be left to rot and forgotten by those few who acknowledge my existance. The only grave I would be given is wherever I happen to fall when I die." She spoke quietly, though loud enough to be heard clearly. She understood her position well, and that of what those around her felt about her. After all, the only friends she managed to have were Wolf, Panther and tiger and it took quite a few missions of proving herself before they even achknowledged she was a living person. Then again, her idea of a friend was nothing more than somebody who didn't wish for her to die. A type of person that was hard to come by as an outsider in the Talon. Her squad respected her ability to fight, and they had come to think more of her than the enemy they have to fight alongside. Still, their earlier treatment of her had clearly put a wall between them, one that Maria didn't seem content with taking down.