[img]https://cdn3-www.superherohype.com/assets/uploads/2019/09/Tank-Girl.jpg[/img] [color=ed1c24][h1][center]Gwendolyn Dexter Barrett [/center][/h1][/color] Time: Day Location: DNA's Dinner/Ember Grove Streets/Pink Canoe Interactions: Nobody Gwen was waiting in the dinner, haven take a seat in a booth in the very back of the dinner. Having waited an hour and a half for Chris to meet her to help her locate Luna, but after a while she didn't think he was coming and founded being here a waste of her time. Calling over the waitress that had served her a couple of cups of coffee, she was not torn up over the guy she was suppose to me arrive. Heading out of the dinner and into the streets, The first clue of where she could find this Luna chick would be. Walking towards a club she knew that could have some information for her, the only issue was that the club was owned and filled with werewolves. She knew she was not welcome in many other clubs, especially ones where she pissed off the owners enough to get a life ban form their clubs. However this one she would be fine in since she didn't piss off the owner enough, After a bit of a walk she arrived at the club standing in front of it. In bright pink neon letter's was the name of the club, "Pink Canoe" Gwen thought was not a very creative name for a club but never the less she knew she would be able to get some info on the person she had to find. Walking over towards the front door being stopped by the bouncer who was quite a tall muscular woman. "Hold on kiddo, the entry fee is twenty bucks to get in" The woman held out a hand in front of her, Gwen quickly searched the pockets of her pants and the jacket she was wearing. Procuring a crumbled twenty dollar bill into the woman's hand, being lead inside having her coat taken by the receptionist inside. Making her way down a flight of stairs and towards the dance floor, scanning the room she could see the place was filled with women of all shapes and colors. Making her way towards the bar and ordering a glass of cranberry juice, While waiting for her drink she took a few more glances at the people around her. She was making sure to not be suspicious while in the bar. "Here you go toots" The butch bartender handed over her drink to which Gwen paid for, sitting down in a booth and having her drink while watching the people around her dancing and or talking. She noticed a woman who was staring at her and felt a bit weird about it, looking down at her drink and taking a few sips form it. When she looked up she noticed the woman was standing in front of her. "Saw you all alone here, just wondered if i could keep you company?" She asked her with a warm smile, Gwen returned her smile with one of her own. But making sure not to show her teeth to give away her being a vampire, even though it could be evident by her pale skin. "It wouldn't be a problem miss?" She asked pointing to the empty seat across form her, "My name is Ziggy" She said reaching her hand out for a handshake. Gwen shook her hand and noticed how gorgeous she looked, the woman's most noticeable features were her short blonde hair and heterochromia eyes. One of them being a light blue and the other a dark brown, "Your name wouldn't be Stardust by any chance?" Gwen gave a small giggle to her reference/joke. "No but my last name is Joplin like that other singer" The woman said relaxing in the booth, "So what brings you here?" She then asked looking her dead in the eye. Gwen thought for a moment if this woman knew anything about Luna and her location, "Actually i was here a couple of days ago and got the name of his cute bird, but i never got her number or how to get a hold of her" She said taking another sip of her blood red drink. "Here name is Luna Lockheart, i don't know if you have seen her here or around the city?" She asked to which Ziggy was rubbing her chin thinking about if she had heard the name Luna before or had seen her. "I never heard of that name, but perhaps you can check with Sarif who works at the Pancake Factory. He might know where she is, Here let me write down the address" She wrote down the address on a piece of paper handing it to Gwen. "Hi thanks for helping me out, I uhh appreciate you giving me this gent's whereabouts" Gwen said smiling while sipping her drink. "It's no problem perhaps you can return the favor one day" Ziggy was now staring at her longingly which made Gwen smile out of nowhere. Once Gwen had finished her drink she paid for her drink and saying goodbye to Ziggy, heading out to meet this Sarif person.