Ayame smiled at Alex, "Nice to meet you, Alex." She responded just as coolly to her. An even bigger smile came when Alex's fairy, Saki, fluttered out from wherever she was hiding and hovered in front of her face. Ayame's eyes crossed slightly as she focused on the little fairy, her eyes glowing in delight. "Pretty? Y-you're so kind..." She blushed, feeling quite happy with the compliment from the fairy. It was just really nice to hear. Ayame giggled a little as well at how Saki referred to her human, it reminded her a little of how Zara was but with the roles reversed. Just as she thought of her little fairy, the gold critter fluttered out just as Alex dragged her fairy off. "Zaraa, what are you doing out here again?" She asked, opening her palm for Zara to sit down. "Well, I thought I heard another voice so I wanted to see what all the buzz was about." Zara said with yawn before flying out of Ayame's hands, and over to where June and the others were standing. "Ehh, Zara! Wait! I thought you promised you wouldn't go running off anymore!" She sighed, walking swiftly to catch up with her fairy. Of course, Zara wanted to go bug those girls and the one with the fluffy ears and tail. "C'mon, Alex!" She yelled to her partner, not wanting to leave her behind.