[quote=@LuckyBlackCat] [hr] [@Suneli] [@Sinsystems] A short distance away in the park, a sharp, agonised yell sounded, along with the snapping of jaws that only Lilith and Jacqueline would hear. From out of the trees, a man lurched, blood seeping through the old ragged clothes that swamped him as he clasped slashes on his side. His other arm hung slack from a bite wound at the shoulder. While some Hydes contented themselves with draining their victims, witches would know some to strike in more direct ways and feed on the ensuing primal responses. Not that said Hydes showed interest in finishing the job. Two spectral forms, each one a twisted mix of human and feline, ran past. "Phantom cats", as people dubbed such out-of-place big cat glimpses, but this man didn't seem to have caught sight of his attackers. He stared around, wild-eyed, as his stumbling slowed, before crumpling to the ground. Only the laboured rise and fall of his chest showed that it wasn't too late for him. [/quote] Jacqueline was snapped into action at the scream, a sound all too familiar to her as one of agonizing pain and fear. She took off in the direction of the scream before her mind even fully registered what it was she had heard. Of course it didn't take her long to realize what it probably was, a thought that was confirmed when she saw the injured man and the Hydes that assaulted him. With one hand she drew Mercy, the knife's blade glistening in the lamplight, and with the other she snatched a potion from her medicine pouch. In one fluid motion she downed the entire bottle and the world seemed to slow around her, the physical boost from the potion giving the girl the speed she needed to reach the man before it was too late....although the uncontrollable laughter she'd suffer in a few moments once the side effects kicked in would be rather annoying. Keeping low to the ground she rushed the Phantom Cats, swinging Mercy to cut into the tendons in their legs even as she drew kindness to sever the major artery that should run along their groins. She needed to be quick with this, as every moment that she wastes fighting would be another moment the man could go beyond saving. "Hahahaha" she began to laugh, feeling the potion's side effects and worrying how that was probably making her look like a psycho.