[quote=@Tatterdemalion] SECOND PLACE WEREWOLF MAGNET “I mean, if you think about it, we kiiiiiind of are?” Elodie is [i]amazing[/i] under pressure. “You did ask me out on a tea date, after all.” Ignore the fact it was school mandated! “And there was the promise of K-I-S-S later, and besides, what else was I going to say? Oh, gosh, Dad, you’re right, I am dating this stinky, sweaty werewolf I’m currently pinned under, we absolutely were doing the badonkadonk, you can expect a fresh litter of puppies in June? You [i]know[/i] how Dads are.” She mimes shooting herself in the head. Don’t think about how often she’s seen the aftermath. Don’t think about that at all. “I had to get him off the scent, and fast, and besides, we were on such a nice date already, and once we get that spell off you, we can keep going, maybe even make it official?” She bats her eyes, trying very hard not to think about sweaty werewolves pinning her to a wall and making her sing like a dove. “Because I’d be [i]lots[/i] better for you than Annalee. She’s probably interested in having a hypnotized house husband to do her evil bidding, and that would be [i]such[/i] a waste!” Then she hops up and grabs his hands, pressing them up against her collarbone. “Come on, Timmy! Let’s stop wasting time!” It’s unclear whether she’s talking about wedding bells or having kids, with the manic gleam in her eye, and the thought of Lord Sleepshy or the Angel busting in on Unallowed Activities probably looms large in one’s imagination. [That’s a [b]6[/b] on Turning Timmy On.] [/quote] “No. No!” Timothy recoiled, hands and cheeks burning. “We can’t! I mean - absolutely not! Have you gone mad? Have you completely forgotten the position I’m in?!” How. How did this go so wrong? How did [i]she[/i] get so wrong? Why couldn’t she have told him she was so wrong sooner?! “I don’t [i]want[/i] to be anybody’s house husband!” He cried, backing away before those big, shining eyes could swallow him up. And she moved closer. “I don’t want to be anybody’s official, I don’t want anybody being good for me, and I certainly don’t want to spend one second more in this awful place than I have to. I’m not even supposed to be here!” “I’m only here because of a huge, a terrible misunderstanding. And if I don’t keep out of trouble, they’re going to [i]keep[/i] me here. If your Dad tattles on me to the administration, if anybody suspects that we’re, that we’re [i]going steady,[/i] it’ll be...oh beans, oh biscuits, it’ll be a disaster! He can’t! I can’t! We can’t!” His poor, poor head swam terribly. His wobbly legs stumbled back. And still, she advanced. “I want out of this dreadful school, Elly! I want to go back home. I want to go back to my books and my tea and my stories. I want-” His back met the wall. And she closed in. “I-I want to see my mother and father again…” He swallowed hard. “Don’t you care that I miss them...?”