[@SansTheMedic] [quote=@SansTheMedic] [color=f7976a]"It's just a woman sir."[/color] Carter says, concealing a smirk at the intense reaction from the bug as he flicks safety back on. [color=f7976a]"She was put under my protection and in cryo stasis to protect her from sepratists. She was a high ranking official of a small outer rim mining colony; if the seperatists killed her they'd be able to take control of the planet, so we kept her safe to ensure it didn't fall into their hands."[/color] This of course was completely untrue, and given a deep enough research into the fine details of the clone war it could be disproven that such a planet didn't exist, but his superiors made sure to give a believable enough cover that only VERY few would be able to do the detective work. [/quote] "Yeah but why was it in a Sith Temple that doubled as one of the Emperor's storehouses? This doesn't add up why would he take effort to hide you with...whatever the kriff is there? And why does this thing look like the Chambers they found in Yavin? This really doesn't add up." "Maybe they fed you false information clone, the Emperor was making preparations for the Empire since the clone wars." Holdo said Hirog continued to cower.