Take the condition CRYBABY, [b]Timmy. [/b] CREEP WHIPPED TRUANT "Please. I made you look a little off, big baby. And I am entirely confident that you would do the same thing at Samael's request if our positions were switched. One does not simply refuse him. Now, let's be off to the library and we'll easily sort out the matter of this dark curse of yours, I am confident." Annalee seems full of energy all of a sudden. The pent-up frustration is all gone. Perhaps that's the hypnotism rewarding a success? Perhaps she's just happy to be doing something that she wants to be doing! Regardless, she waves a hand and speaks some words that make the room seem darker, then looks at the sphinx with no small amount of frustration. Does it again, taps her own shirt this time and [5+3+2=10 to act staying cool] manages to slip out of it leaving her wearing only her bra covering her ample chest. The dark red shirt seems to merge with the Sphinx and she looks at the thing. "It looks horrific on you and I'll expect it back presently, pressed and folded. We'll be going now." [Rolling to turn on...everyone I guess. Definitely Elodie, I can do multiples if necessary. 1+2-1=2. Marking experience.]