[center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/191220/277fac4d11095b2af58a8da4530e165c.png[/img] [color=CDBD2B][b]Time: [/b][/color]Morning [color=CDBD2B][b]Location: [/b][/color]Streets of Ember Grove [color=CDBD2B][b]Interaction: [@princess][/b][/color] [youtube]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VagES3pxttQ[/youtube][/center] [hr] Lucius smiled warmly at the compliment and laughed a little [color=CDBD2B]"I am happy you liked it."[/color]. He nodded in response to her warning, his smile turning into a solemn frown, though he was very much aware of their presence. They had been a great pain in his side for a long time, though no matter how many plots to get rid of them they would always spring back up like the little cockroaches they were. Despite the information about hunters in the area, he smiled once more [color=CDBD2B]"There will always be critics, I suppose. They've yet to roast these old bones!"[/color] He cheerfully said in a rather optimistic tone. How easy it would be to simply reach out and wrapped his hands around her thin, little neck. How would she try to escape his tightening grasp before the last lights of life faded from her? Would she claw desperately at his hands? Would try to utter a spell before her neck collapsed completely? What kind of abilities did her familiar have that might save their master? It was all so fascinating to to imagine how a person would struggle to survive. He had only been able to survey the town a little during his time here, so it was important to know the locations of the major players. However, he didn't want to push on that subject just yet. [color=CDBD2B]"If you could show me the location of the local library, I'd appreciate it. I love to read and I am looking for something new. If I'm lucky, I might even meet some fellow performers like myself!"[/color] A little research on the town itself could prove to be useful in making the right moves. It wasn't as though he could follow her to where she was headed. That would be far too suspicious and make this encounter void. Time and patience. All good things come to those who wait after all...and those who prepare. Contingencies needed to be made after gathering information about the various factions in Ember Grove. He could try and convert her coven all he wanted but how many would resist or die fighting? At that point, it was more efficient just to eliminate them to begin with instead of wasting resources and time.