SAVAGE Samael has been sitting. Waiting. It is obvious he has been expecting them [i]for some time[/i] by how he is sat utterly motionless, staring at the door, hands steepled, his face grave and unimpressed by the tardiness. He has spent some considerable time and thought on making sure he makes The Most ominous impression when they come through the door brimming with intimidation and feeble excuses. Only... they don't. Instead some kind of mayhem bursts in. Like a ball of petty hair pulling, ankle biting and face scratching. It's not the loud arguing that gets him to dig his nails in to the fabric of the armrests, however, nor the fact that not one of them appears to be here to actually hand in their assignments and hells, wait, is Annalee just in her bra?! No, it is the fact that [i]not one[/i] of them so much as [i]notices[/i] him as their chaos collapses in to [i]his[/i] room. Samael Hale was on his feet in an instant and advanced on the heap. His face twisted in to a deep scowl and his fangs bared in a snarl full of contempt. "Enough!" he snapped, in hope of getting their attention, at least for a damn moment. "What the hell is this?" "One act of kindness. [i]One[/i]." He raised a single index finger to emphasise his point as he pinned a cold stare to each of Elodie and Timmy's eyes. "How you managed to get from that to... this. Whatever [i]this is[/i]. Do either of you even want to graduate?" He looked back and forth between Elodie and Timothy and then let out an aggressively exasperated sigh. He stepped closer, leaning in to reach an arm out behind the small gaggle of delinquents to shut the door behind them, the move bringing him particularly close to Elodie as he did so, closer than ever before. Also conveniently nudging her and Timothy apart as he squeezed through, but it was Elodie he leaned closest to. Can you smell his skin this close, Elodie? Do you hear the breath he draws as his face passes yours? Do you detect that metallic tang of blood? A recent feed. Does it frighten you? Do you know who it was? Do you wish it was you? "Before we get to the undoubtedly [i]riveting [/i]tale of how this spectacle came about..." with the door closed he stood back and his gaze came to lay heavily on Elodie. His hands rose to his collar and began to undo the buttons of his shirt one by one, not taking his eyes off her as his shirt gradually parted open, silently daring her to watch. "...I have a proposal for you..." He finished the buttons down his front, revealing that he wore nothing underneath. [Rolling to [b]Turn Elodie On[/b]: 4+3+2=[b]9[/b], you choose] "...Mister Oglevee Crompton," he clarified, then undid his cuffs as well, breaking his eyes away from Elodie. "But first things first." He shrugged the shirt off his shoulders and finally turned his eyes away from Elodie and on to Annalee. "Are you alright, Ana?" he asked seriously as he reached his shirt to wrap it around her bare shoulders. "Are you hurt?" Tucking away a strand of hair, tracing the back of a light finger to her jawline, checking for bruises or scratches. The concern on his face and in the light touches of his hand were as well rehearsed as they were intimate.