[b][center][h2]Joel Nicolosi & [color=yellow]Siobhan Murphy[/color][/h2] [/center][/b] Joel read the text once and then instantly narrowed his glance and brought the screen closer to his eyes to read it again before abruptly laughing out loud with a great guffaw. The sort of laugh one would make when watching people injure themselves haphazardly on skateboards or with shopping carts. The calmness of the setting broken as he smacked his knee and cackled at the words on the screen before reading it again and laughing some more while clutching his side. Sensing Sio’s confused glance as well as the sudden attention of others around the campfire he waved his hand dismissively, though he was having a hard time containing his hysterics. He exhaled and tried to breathe evenly, but the words on the screen were too much. “Oh my fucking God,” He snickered shaking his head and finally turning the screen again so Siobhan could read. Siobhan read the words on the screen quickly and raised an eyebrow at the laughter.[color=yellow] "Poor guy. Why text you when it's too late? That's like getting caught in a bear trap in the middle of nowhere. Might as well lay down and die. Don't be sadistic to the poor boy. That could have easily been you and that blonde bitch."[/color] she thought about that for a moment.[color=yellow] "If you were stupid, which you aren't."[/color] “Oooh, gettin’ spicy over there.” Joel chuckled. Sio’s disdain for Romus-Olympus brood was a never ending trove of delightfully sordid quips. He glanced away briefly mulling over what to say in reply, but ended up shaking his head still in a bit of wonderment at what remained on the screen in front of him. “What a dumbass.” He said finally. “You know, he struck me as kind of odd back at the festival, but i thought maybe he was just nervous about the attention.” He turned his glance back to Sio. “You would think after a big win like that, he would have all kinds of options…” He paused, still thinking and partially probing for what sort of pithy inspiration she might give him. People didn’t normally come to him for relationship advice and his mind teetered somewhere between pity and sadistic humor- Sio knew him pretty well. “And that chick is like the monkey-branching queen of the city.” He said. “Wasn’t she just with your friend’s boyfriend before she jumped to Ethan?” Siobhan smirked and decided to give him a story he could relate to Ryan.[color=yellow] "I'd say they prefer the term community bicycle. But yes she had her claws in Milo. Paige was a definite upgrade for him. Did I tell you I actually met them before I met you? Milo and the pregnant community bicycle that is. Paige was one of the few decent people at that Winter Ball thing. I digress. Milo was dancing with… that thing and she had the audacity to glare at me like I was going to take him away from her. She also scratched the hell out of Paige's car thinking it was mine because Paige and I stopped by Milo's work. She's a piece of work."[/color] “Yeah, I remember the car-keying thing.” Joel replied, his disdain evident. Taking a shot at someone’s car always grated his nerves, not just because of his profession or lifestyle, but because a car couldn’t defend itself, it was just an exceptionally depraved way to get after someone, almost like hurting an animal. His lip curled slightly as he mentally recalled the story and the image of glossy factory paint curled away to bare metal under the direction of a sharp tool played behind his eyes while the perpetrator trotted away as if it were nothing. He shook his head a little and hit send: [quote][i]-I’m not tryin to tell ya how to live your life, but you might want to get the fuck out of there and just not look back. That’s the best I can do, take it or leave it.-[/i] [/quote] Joel thought briefly towards mentioning something about Ethan, but thought better of it. If Ryan questioned more, then he would give his opinion, but he really didn’t like getting into other people’s business. If his advice was asked, he gave it [i]and that was it[/i], otherwise he kept to himself. He sent one more message thinking it might lighten the sentiment somewhat: [quote][i]-Also, i’ll be around the shop this week if you still want that mustang looked at, come on by.-[/i] [/quote] [@Infinite Cosmos][@Almalthia]