What the goliath was rewarded with in her staggering stare out into the fields was twofold. First, from her vantage point and height, it became evident the boar had been up to their business rooting in the earth, tearing up the remains of the crop that had gone wild in the absence of man. Second, it was that what they had been rooting around had made the earth uneven, another given she expected with no second thought on the matter. The last, however, was that there was not just ragged gouges into the earth from turning tusks and kicking hooves, rather something different altogether; the earth was pulled in at the center, mounded about around it. The field seemed to be littered with burrows now, fitting for a place that was open among the woodland, yet it was obvious these were no mere burrows of a fox or hare or anything of that variety and that they were instead far larger with wide mouths. The boar too had been standing clear of them, at least enough that when the entourage of five bodies arrived inexplicably, they withdrew at the sign of commotion and threat. This ultimately played into something else, something that had crossed the child of the mountain's mind. Was it some sort of elaborate trap? Nature was rife with cunning deceit, just nothing ever this coordinated without orchestration. It instead was paranoia and dismissed as much, but the thought did not leave her that had she not taken a moment to survey, she might not have initially noticed the large burrows and surely whatever lived within them. Tracan, in the meanwhile, plucked the string of her bow idly and watched the boar flee. It was a relief to her and made her tenseness at this uneasy place relax and relax enough for her mind to surrender for a moment. [i]Three less animals to kill.[/i] Her thoughts traveled to in that time, thankful that the beasts chose to save themselves rather than be butchered. But something about all this was just wrong, the woods hadn't started to devour all the remains of the farm and she knew that. The real question was why not? Sure, the bandits probably burned and salted the fields, maybe poisoned the water if they felt cruel and to make a statement, slaughtered all the livestock they couldn't steal, who knew and who cared, it was passed, but this was all just off. Something worse was at work here and it made her sick to her stomach to wonder what it was. [hider=Effects] Vah'lux discovers the field has multiple burrows pitted into it that are difficult to see for those not of her height and stature. She credibly now believes some sort of reasonably sized burrowing animal or animals are here too outside the boar now.[/hider] [@Hellion][@Lauder]