The Lord General stared at the screen, deep furrows on his forehead as he glanced to the officers on either side of him, as the man on the screen blathered on. [i] "I'm a loser who Nessade distastes and wants to leave? Is Nessade your leader? Is this Nessade some kind of god-king? Take me to your leader, for I wish to do politics in a setting where the translators won't be bargain bin."[/i] Perplexed by the ramblings of the man, Dou’far Klasst pondered the thought of vaporizing the ship to simply be done with the man and move on to more important things, such as the ongoing siege of Darashal. Rubbing his chin he decided not to, no perhaps this man would be more use to the Empire in some why as yet unrevealed,[b] “I am sorry LeeRoy, your name is LeeRoy is it not? However, I have no idea whom this Nessade is. Yes, the Angar-Ryllan Emperor is a God-King, but I am disinclined to acquiesce to your request. We’re at war and allowing a…man such as yourself to see him would be bad form.”[/b] The Seneschal motioned to his fire control officer, signaling him to be ready as he continued speaking, [b]“LeeRoy, where have you come from? I don’t think we have seen a ship such as yours. Are there more like you?”[/b] [center][b]***[/b][/center] Several of the escort ships drifted slowly forward, as they did so long barrel kinetic launchers lazily swung around so they faced in the general direction of the smaller ship. Further out several elements of the 101st fighter wing launched from their berths aboard the carrier, Caer Don’arga, racing forward, their squat boxy bodies reflecting the light of the white-blue star that held court in this system