"HAHA Jallows you've brought me a stone tonight i see. And something extra. Well i'll skim it tomorrow and see if it brings us luck. I have a little something you might like if you come inside? But by that guilty look i think you've been in already." I flap Jallows off the pile to tease him and turn my back on him while still leading with my walk to a treat he knows is coming. I guess it means my work is done for the night. I find a small ceramic pot, prettier than the rest on the mantle, and pull out some small black beetles with a blue shine to their shell. I bit like oil. "You know these are really hard to find. But you're worth it you know." I look down for a moment, caught in a passing thought that flinches my eyes narrower to wake me back. I had brothers as well as my sister. I used to collect things for them too. I feel an instant hatred come from somewhere unfair and helpless inside. They should still be here but they were killed by a tree felling accident years ago. Two of them. One tried to save the other and it took both down. It's funny how wood cutting doesn't bother me, but that pot does. Memories, i mean. I move to a window i tend keep open just to stop the prickling heat of my fire from becoming too much at night. I lean on the sill and take a sharp deep breath in, making the stretch right over the bridge of my nose feel tense. I'll be seeing the McFaddens tomorrow to talk over more trees on this land. He wants them for cabins and i'll get a good price. He's been in trade with me for years and i don't hold against him the things that have passed. I have an early morning. Looks like rain and that means mudslides if we attempt to drag timber. "Jallows i'm hitting the hay. See you around." I climb under my quilt and thank the world than my sister is still alive. I draw the smell of old tarnished posies in from her bedding, and before i know it myself, i'm asleep. With only the bottom half of my clothing removed. Rain begins to pitter as hours pass through into the dead of night.