[color=LightSalmon]Time:[/color] 4:56 PM [color=LightSalmon]Location:[/color] Campus Commons; Welcome Banquet [color=LightSalmon]Interacting:[/color] Echo Gallagher Naomi spedwalk out of the band building, tennis shoes slapping against concrete at a steadily increasing speed. There was a suspiciously full duffel bag slung over her right shoulder, which she kept adjusting as she walked. [i]Oh, Lord, I'm so late,[/i] she thought, directing an almost panicked glance at her phone in the middle of the crush of students in the hallway. It was 4:56, and Echo had specifically instructed her to get there early. Judging by the heart-clenching crush of students on the sidewalk, she wasn't early whatsoever. They probably had only 10 minutes, give or take, to set up. She dragged her only free gloved hand through her braids. They were so going to get caught. Then she would get expelled and sent home and- She took a breath and forced her way through the students crowding the sidewalk, gesturing at the two band kids trailing after her to follow her. It would be okay. Only some kind of spaz would think that they would send her home for something like this. She muttered several quiet apologies to the students she squeezed between. Several older students shot her annoyed glares. But, amid the excitement of orientation, nobody seemed to really notice the three band kids squeezing through the crowd, even though they looked fairly suspicious. To Naomi's annoyance, both of the others had brought fedoras and heavy scarves. She hadn't bothered with either- in her opinion, they'd just make her even more obvious. But most students were already used to odd things from band kids. The oddest thing was probably her own pink duffel bag. It was obviously heavy and bulging, objects pulling at the fabric. Once she caught sight of Echo by the bushes, behind the stage, Naomi split from the crowd and bolted across the grass to her friend. It was a short run, but when she got there, she flung her things onto the ground, panting. She put her backpack and saxophone near some of the bushes, but put the duffel bag in the middle of them. [color=LightSalmon]"S-sorry I'm late,[/color] she said to Echo. She panted, hands on her knees. [color=LightSalmon]"I know you said to get here early, but I asked the band director to let us out early and he said no. I ran here, I swear. Really, really sorry."[/color] Glancing around for any other students and seeing none, Naomi unzipped the duffel. A ridiculous amount of wireless alarm clocks spilled out of the bag. All were of the same design, and all of them were set to go off at differing, seemingly random times. Despite the confused glances from Echo's and her own friends, she went on. Naomi wrung her hands, feeling everyone's attention on her. [color=LightSalmon]"So, um, everyone that isn't Echo or me... I want you to go to stand around where we're going to set up. If you see anyone coming, I need you to make a sound. Like, um, an owl noise...?[/color] She thought for a moment, and nodded. [color=LightSalmon]"Mhm. And don't look suspicious, please?"[/color] She waved the four of them off, and they all went to stand around the wide green area. She started to collect alarm clocks rather quickly, gesturing for Echo to start doing the same. [color=LightSalmon]"This is insane,[/color] she whispered. [color=LightSalmon]"You do realize that, right? Absolutely and utterly insane. We're going to get [i]so[/i] caught. And then we're gonna get like, a month's detention."[/color] [@Amethyst]