[hider=Jin] Name: Jinayah Ifriti Gender / Preferred Pronouns: Non-binary - they/them Age: 14 Year and Degree Program: HS Freshman Nationality: American (half black, half Japanese) Appearance: [img]https://i.imgur.com/XF5E76b.jpg[/img] Location and Notes on Star Mark: A black star, 7 pointed, hidden just behind their right ear. Star power: Jin’s ability is to control and “speak” to electronics. So far, they have only been able to use it to shut down video cameras and computers and the occasional ATM, but their power basically extends to anything with a microchip. As long as it has a power source and can turn on, Jin will be able to mess with it. To Jin, each device has it’s own voice and personality, and it’s unclear if this is real, or Jin’s mental interpretation of what their power does. On the most dangerous side, Jin is probably going to be fully capable of launching nuclear missiles without any codes or keys. Personality: Jin is cold shouldered and abrasive, after years of living on their own and having to fend for themselves. They will not make friends easily, and is honestly waiting for the dream-bubble to burst and the school to dump them back on the street. Biography: Jin was born to a father who hid his star ability (precognition), and a normal mother. Jin’s father Richard, a beat cop in Chicago, successfully hid his power for the most part, despite using it almost daily. Everyone thought he just had good police instinct – able to tell a bad situation before it happened, catching criminals as if he knew where they were going to run, things like that. It wasn’t until baby Jinayah was born with a star of their own that the news came out and turned their lives upside down. When Jin was about 10 years old, they experienced a home invasion by a crazed gunman who was convinced Stars needed to die lest they take over the planet. Both Jin’s parents were shot by this man. Jin managed to escape, but was so terrified and traumatized that they took to the streets of Chicago and was lost to the usual star scrutiny for nearly 5 years. Jin turned up trying to rob an ATM, and was swiftly arrested. However, instead of going to prison, the authorities announced that Jin was going to Nova Infinitum. Notable Rumors: Jin killed a man. (False.) Jin has a criminal record and has been arrested more than once. (True – unless the school has the power to expunge that?) Trivia: The engineering professor might take Jin under his wing, so to speak, because they have a ton of potential. Despite not having cracked a book in years, Jin’s grasp of high-level mathematical concepts rivals some of the university students. Jin loves to tinker with things, and will fix computers and phones for money. Other: Jin has undiagnosed dyslexia, and detests reading. Jin has also been out of school since elementary, and has some large knowledge gaps. [/hider]