[center] [hider=June Dubois] [color=fff79a][b]Name:[/b][/color] June Dubois [color=fff79a][b]Gender / Preferred Pronouns:[/b][/color] Female, She/Her [color=fff79a][b]Age:[/b][/color]21 [color=fff79a][b]Year and Degree Program:[/b][/color] Sophomore, Biology [img]https://dvdbash.files.wordpress.com/2013/10/tin-man-zooey-deschanel-alan-cumming-neal-mcdonough-kathleen-robertson-richard-dreyfuss-trujillo-keith-rennie-dvdbash32.jpg?w=848[/img] [/hider] [color=fff79a]Time:[/color] 4:55 PM, Monday [color=fff79a]Location:[/color] Campus Commons; Welcome Banquet [color=fff79a]Interactions:[/color] Jin [@Mistress Dizzy][/center] Most people walked by, which was fine. A part of June understood why some people would be put off by her but for now it didn't matter. Eventually, though, she caught someone's attention. A small and skinny freshman who looked very lost. They were fumbling with their map, trying to read and walk. Very hard to do. June shot up from her seat as Jin approached, but then crouched down a little bit and then straightned up slower, trying to somehow undo her initial quick movement. Smiling she walked out from the other side of the table and went to Jin's side, almost bumping into their shoulder. [color=fff79a]"Yes? You are looking for something?" [/color]She asked quickly, her accent sharpening her [i]S[/i]'s and [i]th[/i]'s. [color=fff79a]"I have been going here for many years. Many years. You are new here, I can tell. Your map is torn. I can fix it for you?"[/color] She said it like a question, but it was clearly more like some kind of aggressively friendly demand. June snatched the map from Jin's hand and ran her long pale fingers over the tear. After a moment she pushed it into Jin's chest, and the map was good as new. It had even unwrinkled itself and the ink shone on the page. June smiled brightly and brushed a strand of hair out of her face and it just as quickly fell back infront of her eyes. [color=fff79a]"But you are looking for somewhere? [i]Ooowd, auuud, awwwd..?[/i]"[/color] The brunette was trying to finish the noise Jin had made. Finally June relented and allowed her newest friend to get a word in. She crouched closely over Jin's shoulder and scanned over the newly created map. The bright red rose had enroached on Jin's peripheral vision. If there was something June was good at, it was navigating this school. Right? She was pretty sure she knew where everything was. If not she could just use this map her new friend had. She should ask their name. She should probably introduce herself. [i]Zut![/i] Well, too late now, she could do it later. She had already asked Jin some questions so she would have to wait to get answers. Hopefully Jin liked the map now that it was fixed.