Over his lifetime Daklero Nassim has been training in the niche Mandalorian art of adventure cuisine, the art of using exotic and hard-to-get ingredients and cooking them into the most delicate of delicacies. The aforementioned chef-in-training is now looking for assistants and allies to aid in the generally hazardous collection of ingredients and culinary delights. He is looking for the most experienced, most ruthless, most actionable of culinary pirates, dandies and entrepreneurs. All aids shall earn a cut of the sales of the product. -Corruscantian Holonet Ad [b][u]OoC[/u][/b] I'm looking a group of 3-4 people (preferably Mandolorian, but not necessarily) to join my character on a hunt through dangerous enviroments in search of a set of tools and ingredients too make a legendary and exotic... [hider=McGuffin] McGuffin [/hider] Anyone can join, Mandolorians preferred, we will start from Corruscant and we will set off in between different worlds and fight big monsters and collect deadly vegetables, shit like that. Hope this is all okay, first time doing anything like this. -Pie