A snort left Aron from where he stood by the door. He and his buddies stripped them of their stuff, locked them in cells and now this guy was seriously trying to negotiate! How stupid does he think they are? The chances of him even being high enough in the ranks to even propose a negotiation was below zero. Luckily the others didn't seem to be falling for it either. Eyes not straying from the viewing slits in the door, he listened intently as the interrogation took place, making sure to note everything that was said. He especially paid attention when the grown tiefling asked after his supplies, the absence of the familiar weight around his neck feeling all the more pronounced. Fist tightening slightly around the hilt of Orchid's shortsword, he glared out into the other room. Either he'll recover it or he wont, it's not like he'll die without it... Taking a breath he forced those feelings down and threw a few questions of his own at the man. [color=00aeef]"What's inside all of those crates and barrels? And what's the layout of the place like?"[/color] His eyes didn't leave the slits as he asked his questions, taking in every detail he could of the next room, pausing slightly on the bones. [hider=Rolls and information] Perception check on next room: [url=https://www.roleplayerguild.com/rolls/18549]12[/url] [/hider] ***Edited*** Added a perception check, hope its alright