[hider=Roman Duran] [color=FAEBD7][b]Name:[/b][/color]Roman Duran [color=FAEBD7][b]Gender / Preferred Pronouns:[/b][/color]Male, he/him [color=FAEBD7][b]Age:[/b][/color] 18 [color=FAEBD7][b]Year and Degree Program:[/b][/color] Freshman in university, undecided on degree program [color=FAEBD7][b]Nationality:[/b][/color] American with Egyptian ancestry [color=FAEBD7][b]Appearance:[/b][/color] [hider=Image Reference] [img]https://d2m3klzcmjgreb.cloudfront.net/wp-content/uploads/2016/09/aidan-turner-656x357.jpg[/img] [/hider] Roman stands at a tall 6'4", with a trimmed build. Strong jawline, olive colored skin, dark hair and often an stoic expression. That is not to say he doesn't like to have fun. His normal expression is just more...stoic. While clothed, he does not have tattoos or excessively visible scars. [color=FAEBD7][b]Location and Notes on Star Mark:[/b][/color]A medium sized eight point star, located at the back of his right hand. Pale white in overall color with a thin yellow dot in the middle. [color=FAEBD7][b]Star Power:[/b][/color]Gravitational manipulation. He can either reduce or increase the impact of gravity on things smaller than the size of his palm. When trying to manipulate the impact of gravity on organic matter, like other humans, his control is very spotty and the increase or decrease can fluctuate wildly. [color=FAEBD7][b]Personality:[/b][/color]Generally outgoing, mostly upbeat. Fiercely loyal to those he considers his friends. Would rather shy away from action but will not hesitate to act if he sees harm coming his friend's way. [color=FAEBD7][b]Biography:[/b][/color] Roman is your run of the mill college student. More worried about living his best life than getting good grades. Despite his stoic expression, he enjoys the company of his fellow students. Being born to a lineage that may or may not be traced back to antiquity has shone a light on his personal life that he doesn't often enjoy. Though the money and toys that it comes with are nice from time to time. His star manifested itself from birth. However, it wasn't until he was thirteen that his actual powers emerged. He was just in the yard, playing and running around as thirteen year old boys do. The next thing he knows the ball he just threw is floating upwards, not its regularly planned trajectory. He panicked, of course. Scrambling around slightly, he tried jumping and reaching for the ball. To no avail. After a few more failed swipes, the ball came flying down, much faster than expected. The ball left a mark in the ground like a stud in mud. Roman then ran in the house, acting as if nothing happened. Of course, his mother saw this. Knowing exactly what happened and what is going to continue happening, his parents used their connections to get Roman admitted to NI and hoped that they can help him learn, hone, and control his powers. [color=FAEBD7][b]Notable Rumors:[/b][/color] It is rumored that he hails from a long line of kings and pharaohs in antiquity. But, who really knows anymore? [color=FAEBD7][b]Trivia:[/b][/color] He is a huge video game enthusiast. [color=FAEBD7][b]Other:[/b][/color] Anything else? [/hider]