Well I guess how magic works would develop my character concept. I kind of viewed geomancy as a type of, 'the art of placing or arranging buildings or other sites auspiciously.' basically I would describe it as 'magical architecture' considering the temples and pyramids and other building wonders. it would be the study of shapes, mathematical geometry, symbols and angles in order to tune and channel magic. Practically, it would be the use of runes to simulate magic, maybe partially through divine forces, or channeling ones own ability into things or objects. Creating symbols for health on pots of healing draughts. It would be a more scholarly type of character. If alchemy is more about it, I guess it would be magic through chemistry. Mixing natural and mineral agreements to create, draughts potions salves, poisons, and oils as conduits for spells. Maybe with more work, transmutation from one substance to another and forging materials and reagents for other purposes. Purifying water, removing pests. This character would be probably medical in origin, a type of doctor, or even a healer priest if medicines could be combined with prayers. I also had a concept of a golem mancer, creating living sculptures but I dont know if that's a discipline. I might be confusing high with low fantasy.